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No idea which direction to take!

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I'm freaking out. I'm 22 years old, I've done two years of Univeristy, studying filmmaking. This summer, I trained as an assistant director and realized I did not want to work in the crazy industry and since then I've been freaking out. I feel like my plan has been thrown off course, which in some was I knew in the back of my head I was in the wrong area. The thing is, I'm a very creative person, I just never feel talented enough. I enjoy design, which I took in University as well, I got an A but I have a really tough time in drafting and got a C in drafting and drawing. I just don't know what to do with my life and I find that very scary. Times ticking, I'm being pressured by my parents to figure out what it is I want to do and I still don't know. I'm not sure what I would be best suited at. I've never wanted a "normal job." I want something that I can use my creativity in and have fun. I know no job is perfect and has its ups and downs but I don't want to waste my life working in a job I don't enjoy. Any advice, I would so very much appreciate it!

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The two most important thing you have to consider is time and money.


Since you already spent two years of college in something you do not want to see yourself doing in the future, are you willing to spent an additional two or more years in college to find something else that might interest you? And obviously do you have the finance to pay the tuition. You might have to get a job to pay it while taking the classes, if your parent aren't gonna help.


Its a hard decision, but you got to relax and think about it carefully.

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Ok, let me tell you this. I am 23 and have been in university since 18 now. To make a long story short, I have switched majors and am almost back at square one now. I switched from sciences to business and couldn't be happier! So what you are feeling is COMPLETELY normal.

I would suggest you volunteer, or do some research out there to find something that instrests you fully. This can take some time, but you ARE only 22...very young still, believe it or not...Researching stuff on the computer and asking around is a great place to sart. Just take your time, and don't let anyone rush you (that's what happened to me) I promise you it will come to you one day. If I can give you any piece of advice, it would be this....Don't rule post secondary school out no matter what, and don't worry about your age, follow your gut and don't loose hope!

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ah, that's exactly what I needed to hear, thank-you so much. I definitely want to get a degree, I just feel so pressured all the time with time ticking. Ok, I'll relax a little more and I think I will start researching and finding what it is I want to do. I know which area I want to work in, I just don't know exactly where in that department.

Thanks again, Jules

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