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Finding a girl for me...

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Hi all. I'm not too sure if this is my problem, if you see something underlying please say! Anyway: I have been single since this time last year, and I feel kinda lonely and like I've got a lot of love to give to someone. The someone is the problem.I see girls that I think Hey, she's hot, but on closer inspection of her there's always some kind of thing I don't like - that's not to say I don't accept faults! It could be something that I don't like, or as with my ex, my parents didn't approve.


What can I do to find a nice girl that will love me back as I would her? I'm thinking of going into town with a single mate to try and pull, but I'm not sure that's best. I know what kind of girl I like (I think? Not too sure there). How can I do a little better? Please help.


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You just have to get yourself out there and meet a bunch of women. Introduce yourself, meet their friends, put yourself out there. You're bound to meet a girl who meets your preferences at somepoint but the key is to put yourself out in the field so that girls can notice you and know you exist. I think going into town with a buddy is a great idea. Don't do it to pick up girls necessarily but rather just go out and try to meet people and have a good time

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finding a ur true love is very diffecult\, by the way if you love someone u dont need to use ur eyes, use ur heart my friend, love comes to the right time if its for you, and if you love someone its unconditional love, not for you love her cause for you she's fit for taste or its approve your family... trus love comes from the bottom of your heart my friend.. use it adn feel it.. that's the true meaning of love.. if you want to talk to me more just send me email here's my id

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take care always and good luck to your lovelife, hope thatt you can find a good girl that she can loves you and care for you and never leave you.. good luck my friend

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