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Okay... I am engaged to this girl, and she went to Texas a while ago (while we were going out) and I found out from her sister that she was making out with this guy down there. So i was a lil upset, and then just today I got a letter from her because she is visiting her grandparents in Illinois right now, and the letter said that she got fingered by that guy in Texas, she gave him oral, then she wrote that she made out with another person, she gave oral to someone else, to see if she was still good at it because went she gives me oral i never "finish", and she had sex with some other guy because she wanted to see if our relationship was just about sex, and she wrote that our sex is so good because we are in love, and the guy she had sex with was terriable because she wasn't in love with him. I have never felt this way about ANY other girl, and i really want to stay with her, but then I don't want to because she was unfateful and lied! She said she will never do that to me ever, and she is so sorry. She also said that she hopes i forgive her. I mean I reallly want to but i don't know what i should do!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!! I have been so depressed lately, and i really love this girl (or i think i do)

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Do yourself a big favor and move on with your life and forget about this girl. I know its hard to think with your head when your heart is in the way. I know how you feel...you want to forgive her and work things out, but you will always have doubts about her whenever you two are not together.


Once a cheater always a cheater you know. She knows that she can get away with it and the reason why she confessed is because she felt guilty.


Give yourself a break from her and think things through. Whatever advice we give you...in the end you'll be the one deciding and living with

the consequenses


Good luck

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If you don't kick her to the curb NOW be prepared for a life of tolerance. This isn't just cheating my friend, this is someone who just doesn't even care, it's more than cheating. The fact she's done ALL those different things with multiple guys, and still tells you about it....and even goes so far as to JUSTIFY it by saying she needs to compare you to the world is soooo low.


I'm sorry to say this, but NO ONE deserves that, man or woman. Cut your losses and find some who respects you.

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Listen bro. She didn't just do it once but many times over and it wasn't something subtle like a kiss, it was consensual sex and oral as well. Seriously, just sit down somewhere and just think, think for a good long time. This girl, and when I say girl it's because she is still very immature and dosn't know what the hell she wants, is just not worth all this confusion and pain. Listen I know you probably like her a lot but consider what your relationship will be like if you get back with her. Will you ever be able to trust her again? I doubt it. She did some f'ed up stuff bro and dosn't even deserve to talk to you bro. You shouldn't even waste any brain cells talking to this poor excuse for a human being. She's just selfish and dumb. My two cents and good luck bro.


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