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Everything posted by barbarianbrock

  1. thanks man, i will keep that in mind, i am goin to give her the boot
  2. yeha, i am going to probably get rid of her, its just that i really love her, because i have never felt this way about any other girl, i also think i want to stay with her because i am afraid of being alone, and don't want to be without someone
  3. i think that is what i am going to do, but i just have never felt like this b4 and it is killing me to no end, thanks
  4. wow, that is ummm, wow! I have no advise, and i really hope you get straightened out!
  5. Okay... I am engaged to this girl, and she went to Texas a while ago (while we were going out) and I found out from her sister that she was making out with this guy down there. So i was a lil upset, and then just today I got a letter from her because she is visiting her grandparents in Illinois right now, and the letter said that she got fingered by that guy in Texas, she gave him oral, then she wrote that she made out with another person, she gave oral to someone else, to see if she was still good at it because went she gives me oral i never "finish", and she had sex with some other guy because she wanted to see if our relationship was just about sex, and she wrote that our sex is so good because we are in love, and the guy she had sex with was terriable because she wasn't in love with him. I have never felt this way about ANY other girl, and i really want to stay with her, but then I don't want to because she was unfateful and lied! She said she will never do that to me ever, and she is so sorry. She also said that she hopes i forgive her. I mean I reallly want to but i don't know what i should do!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!! I have been so depressed lately, and i really love this girl (or i think i do)
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