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I asked him out!


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Yayyyy.. I just asked the guy friend I've had a crush on for over the past 10 months out!!! And his response was positive! I needed my girl friend to help me through the conversation though, to ask the right questions basically! But yay!! It's so hard to get shy guys open up just a little


So, I'm so nervous about 'dating' him now. I haven't dated much before. What is the difference between hanging out and dating? other than the former might involve more people?


I see him almost everyday of the week already (we're at school) so this might get a bit weird. Tell me what you think and what your experiences have been!!

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Congratulations! on you asking him out and getting a posative response that's always a good sign


Hanging out is basically being with each other doing different things e.g. shopping or atctivies and dating is similar but with expressed intrest in each other and showing affection etc.


If you do go on a date do something that you'd both enjoy and have fun doing and just be yourself, that's all you can be really

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Oh let me clarify, I have ended my relationship of 3 years maybe a year ago and since then I've been recovering and accidentally dated a few guys (e.g. I thought I was just hanging out with them but they thought it's a "date"). And I've been with ex for so long I'm really unfamiliar with this dating game.


On retrospect, do you think he says yes because I'm probably the only one who ever asked him out? I once heard that guys would say yes to a girl as long as she's decent. Is that true for shy guys too? My friend said he could have turned me down easily if he's not interested.

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I once heard that guys would say yes to a girl as long as she's decent. Is that true for shy guys too? My friend said he could have turned me down easily if he's not interested.


The answer is yes. I'm a shy guy and if a decent girl asked me out i would say yes...so it could be that he just wants to try the dating thing out...lol...but on the other hand I did turn down this one girl who some ppl might have thought to be decent...

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