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Cant Get Her


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Move on to another girl I suppose. The thing is, the longer you keep thinking about her like this, the more you;ll end up hurting yourself....I know...


Trust me man, I've felt this way about girls before, it's all in the brain chemistry. You get hooked on a girl and you're incredibly happy when you're around her and things are sad when you're not. The problem is, if she doesn't feel the same, then it's the end of the line. You can still be firends with her (I know because I had a similar experience earlier this year.) You just have to stop liking her and for better or for worse, a useful tactic is to spend time with other girls

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I would say move on and still be her friend just not as close, get away from her for a while and start dating and just keep telling yourself its not happening. One day all will be ok, but if you keep hanging around her you will never find someone else, and look if it is meant to be it will, but dont sit around trying to think up ways to get her your just hurting yourself.

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hey man, I'm kinda in a similar situation as you. I met this beautiful girl, and when I was talking to her, I felt like there were quite a few similarities, both physically and in her personality. I've never felt like this with a girl before as I've never had a g/f before, and it startles me and makes me curious as to how I felt a connection with her. She has a b/f, so there's nothing I can do, but I hope to be a good friend if anything, and I also have hope in finding another girl. Either way, whatever is meant to be is meant to be. I'll still be around if this girl wants to start something, unless I'm already taken.


I think it just takes time for us to move on. I know I was obsessed with a girl before and she had a b/f, and eventually my obsession went away and I pursued other girls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont sweat it.I fell in love with a very good friend of mine.It took me about 2yrs to finally become more than friends.We dated for a year and eventualy lived together for over a year.We did breakup not long ago and i havent talked to her in months.Yet i wouldnt trade all the years we spent together for a billion dollars.Just be cool and if shes into you shell come around.

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