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question for guys and girls who have been through a breakup

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Perhaps, but I would take a lot of convincing, and time, to get past it and forgive them, which would be necessary if the relationship had any future. I doubt it would be an easy thing to do, but I wouldn't say never.


What I wouldn't do, is jump straight back with them after they'd just finished with the person they went to after me. That just sends the signal that you're always here on the backburner for them to return to, which is practically inviting them to go off with someone else again in the future.

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I know a lot of people will say that what you do as ex's is none of the other person's business, and I agree with that. However, I think that if you have a sexual relationship with someone else that this information needs to be disclosed if you return to each other. It is good to know so you can be retested for VD/STD's but also for trust. Personally I would never be able to go back to someone that had sex with another person and restarted a relationship with me. I know some of you might think that's lame and childish, but it would be something in my head that would take a severe amount of trust to overcome.

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I do not think that I could do it looking back on it now. My ex was with someone two weeks after we broke up. We had been together for 2 years and at the time of the break up I may have been able to be convinced to get back together. Thankfully we did not and I know now that we were not for each other. I have grown in a positive way from the experience but would not think of getting back together with her now. I have met someone else and I am happier that I have ever been.


This is just my take on my situation, everyone has a different set of circumstances surrounding their break up.

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Hell NO. I just couldn't be with them just thinking how their lips touched another person's. That's just disgusting. I wouldn't want to go through the hassle of having them test for stds/aids again. And, I DEFINITELY do not want to contract any forms of herpes/mouth disease. Nasty! In my mind, if we didn't work out, we didn't work out. Once they find someone new, we're DONE. That's it. No looking back. Why should I look back for? It's ALL about moving forward.


If something in the relationship went really wrong, what makes me think that taking them back will resolve things? Dating is just a trial/testimonial to see if 2 people are truly compatible or not. If we're not, then so long. And, the answer is MORE CLEAR once they decide to date someone new.


That's just how I work. I don't know about other people.

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