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Do any of you find a 6 month anniversary to be a "big deal"? Or what I mean is, is it worth making a fuss over or getting eachother a litte something in recognition?

My boyfriend loves pumpkin cookies, so I was going to get him a dozen. But on Sweetest Day ( pretty much a V-day in October for those of you that dont know), I got him several gifts but he didnt get me anything at all. So the last thing I want is to, once again, put effort into something like this and have him barely aknowledge it. Maybe its the wrong way to look at it, but I dunno. How do you feel about hitting the 6 month mark in a dating realtionship though?

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Women take stock of these numerous occasions a lot more than men do. Don't get too down if he doesn't remember them all. As long as he remembers the important ones, and at least seems to appreciate the attention you give him on all these other, weird "anniversaries" ,then no worries.


BTW, considering the definition of "Anniversary", there is no such thing as a "six-month anniversary".

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I used to give my partner a little something every month that we were together (I was a bit sentimental like that) but he didn't really care! He said it was worth celebrating the actual anniversaries.


I would say that 6 months is a big milestone though... so celebrate it by all means!


He said it's a good thing that our anniversary is the day after Christmas (Boxing Day) otherwise he would never remember!!

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I think the anniversaries that are more recognized especially by men would be by the year not months. For those that are more sentimental, then it's understandable that they celebrate them.

I've been with my guy for over 9 months, but we honor more of birthdays or holidays instead.

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well with my first bf (now ex) we didn't do anything for the first few months cause they were just months. but the six was kinda a big deal, it wasn't anything like oh we must celebrate this, it would be wrong if we didn't (that's more of a year thing) but it was just kind of a oh how special we've been dating for half a year lets do something fun, and we went to dinner and a movie, but we did that all the time anyways we just did it on that night instead of our usuall weekend thing.


about the him not accnoliging the thing you did for him, eh I don't think guys read into that kind of stuff as much, or maybe they do and just don't express it as much. Im sure he loved what you did for him the last time, he just may not express it as much. and if he didn't know you were going to do something that's probably why he didn't do anything, you know. But don't go into doing something for him to get something back ,that's not what it's about, it's about doing it cause you wanted to, not to get something for yourself. Oh i so didn't mean that to sound snotty if it did, im sorry please don't take it like that, it's just the only way I know how discribe my opinion on the situation.


I think it's sweet if you want to do something for him for the 6th month, just don't get too hurt if he doesn't cause a lot of people don't do the 6th month thing.


cheers, and good luck.

love QT

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Nope, not at this age anyway (29). I would have when I was younger but it's irrelevant to me now. I feel happy about yearly anniversaries (hence the definition of anniversary being annual) but that's it. I think as I've gotten older I've focussed on other parts of my relationships but 6-months is no biggy to me at all. It's just another month and not a milestone to me.

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