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Depends on how often you have it. If you have it very often, then go to a gastro.


now if it's once in a while after u overdo it, drink some maalox or better yet buy some over the counter Zantac. That helps unless it's a really bad case of heartburn.


Also try not to lay down within 2 to 3 hours after you eat.

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Id say your diet has a big part to do with it too. Im not to sure about drinking milk though, if I drink milk before I go to bed, it gives me heartburn. But definitely pizza, tacos, anything with grease, oils, fats, and spicy flavors stay away from. As far as medicine goes try mylanta, tums and pepcid ac. Your family doctor can give you a prescription for Prilosec. It helps heartburn and stomach acid. Fairly cheap too.

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for long term heart burn relief, you have to change your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, stay away from gluietein and fat. (pizza, greasy food, fast food) etc etc... in the short term drink water and eat a lot of antacids


Agreed... also make sure that you don't overeat as well.. Your stomach is only about as big as your hand so it doesn't really need that much!

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some of us get it more then others. Theres a big list of foods that give heartburn, but just pay attention and im sure you already know them.


If you do not drink with your meal it is suppose to help the heartburn problem. There was a time i was getting it everyday even if i ate neutral food. Not drinking while eating cleared that up. Now i dont get it very often and rarely drink with my food.

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evne tho your young if u get "heartburn" or what feels like heatburn it could be something a little more seirous i kno im a little on the young side and i got pains that ithought was heartburn but it turned out to be something differnt soo go get it cheked out there is stuff they can do to help ya

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