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need to be informed about working laws

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i live in reno nevada and here most jobs, if you work more than 8 hours a day, then you get over time.


my company is like that. but what they did to me doesnt make since. for the first half of the day i worked as a seater for 4 hours. then they put me on cashier the second half of the day for 6 hours. they claim that since i worked two seperat jobs, then i dont get overtime.



is this right, where would i go to find this out.

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That doesnt sound right to me at all. If you are employed by the same person whatever the specific tasks then the total hours should count. However look it up on the net or check with citizens avice or free legal aid etc.

However if this company is doing this to you i suggest you look for another job because if they are cheating you and you claim backpay, they arent going to like it.


Good luck

With love, as always


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the overtime law doesnt apply on an 8 hour day basis because i was only making less than $7.35 hr for half the day, the other half it was $8hr so the law becomes void and i need over 40hrs in a week for it.


wow, is that what you found out? I would agree with the 40 hours in a week bit...all in all though, it's not a bad idea for you to get a book about worker's rights so you won't be screwed in the future; it's not above any employer to try to get the most for their money.

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