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Unhappy Forever!!!

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Hi people. As you probably have noticed I have been posting lots of problems here for the past month, but I think I realized the source of all my problems. I am never happy or satisfied. I mean if u see me u will think that I am the happiest guy on earth, cuz I'm always smiling and laughing. My friends keep telling me that they've never seen me sad, I'm always happy. But deep down inside I am actually not so happy. The things that make me unhappy are so insignificant. When I think about my life, I should be the happiest guy alive, I am very lucky, girls like me, I get good marks at school without even trying. And still I can make the worst out of every situation. I don't know what to do. I think too much, when I keep thinking about something, I started thinking in the what-if format, and come the worst possible conclusion. I mean that may be useful when playing chess, or other logical games, but life isn't a game. They say fools are always smiling. Well they are smiling for a reason, they are enjoying life instead of analyzing it. How do I shut my brain up? I do not want to be smart, I just want to be happy. People with a low level of intelligence are always happy, and the best thing is they do not realize they aren't smart. I don't want to do drugs, so please don't suggest sniffing coke or something. I'm just wondering if anyone has mastered their brain enough to make it stop thinking. It's not a depression either. It's not like I'm always unhappy, there are days when I am happy, but those days don't last very long. If I am happy then soon I will be sad again.

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you need an adrenaline rush. try boxing, brazilian juijitsu grappling or some sort of semi rough game.


you need to know what it is to be broken to a point where you cant think. when nothing else matters but simply being there and breathing trying to catch you last breath before you pass out.



you remind me of me. but everyones different.

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I have the exact same problem. Exactly. I'm cute and get a lot of attention, but I always overanalyze things and worry about the future. I always think what if i do this, what if I do that? What will happen? Will iregret my decisions. I do good in school without trying, but i worry so much about everything else.


I have finally begun to be happy, though. I began taking theater classes- Acting- and I love them. They teach you how to really let go and be in the moment. I spend more time doing the things I love.


Most importnatly I realized that worrying doesn't change anything. Life generally works itself out. Things WILL work out if you relax and enjoy your life.


Everyone in my life tells me I overthink things. I realized it was the source of all my problems. You need to embrace the moment, soak it in, enjoy it. When you don't let things bother you and realize that every little thing isn't important, you free yourself of a lot of stress. I, too, put on a happy face and everyone thinks I'm this fun person- but I used to worry and think a lot. Sometimes being smart can be a curse, but in the end if you rise above your tendency to overanalyze and think all the time, it is a great asset.

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I have the same problem..

I don't think I'm good looking or anything, and I have had some huge hurdles in my life - I was very smart at school but unpopular, and it really hurt me... I ended up developing a long term eating disorder which didn't disappear until two years ago when I met my now fiancee and soulmate.


My brain is always on the go... I think about the future, what is going to happen with my career, or my relationship, and always end up thinking of the worse that could happen - causing an anxiety attack!


The best thing to do is to create an active diversion for yourself from your usual day to day activities. Sweetheart mentioned theatre - Brahman mentioned Boxing and the like. Me, I play computer games such as Battlefield 2 and World of Warcraft (geeky!)... what you choose to do is completely up to you, but it will definitely help you out!

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