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Hi all,

OK here is my vent. people being indecisiive. You know what?? There is always going to be a better one out there, the aim is to find one that suits you, and that you and your partner can live togethr and be happy. Shopping for a better one doesnt mean that u will do better, relationships are not about shopping, it is about choice. When people look at relationships and keep looking fo the better one then you are basically going to start hurting ppl that u care about and you will hurt the ppl that care about you. I suppose what i am saying is this, when you go into a relationship u make a decision, stick it or leave it, dont stick in it for the sake of being in a relationship, that just frigging hurts. As soon as you know the person u are with isnt the one let it go. Dont wait for something beter to come along first. Frigging decided and be responsible, you are not messing wih your life only, you are messing around with someone that cares about you, so have some frigging respect for others and then have respect for you self!!!.

And anouther thing, having someone wait for a decision isnt frigging fair, it is extremely unfair to put someone through that. The only person that is not going through any torture is the person that is making the decision, whilst the other partner self esteme is going thru crap. Can't you people out there understand that??? It is a sick game to play!!. indecisionl really does damage that will take along time to heal if ever! PLease PLease people out there, stand up, do the right thng,make a decision! after all,if you can make a decision to go to bed and to have a 'relationship' with someone then be matured enough to be able to make to decision to END it if it needs be.

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I hear you! LOVELY isnt it ending up with the feeling like a piece of meat........when you realise the one you care for has a look around for something a bit better....pfffff....Its not nice! I noticed alot of people dont have the capacity to break one thing off...heal...and then move on in a respectful manner.......

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freedom, you are right. A lot of people stick with a relationship when they really want to find something better but don't want to be alone while they look for something more along the lines of what they want. It's very selfish but it does happen.


I actually know of a relationship like that now. A girl I know did this with a guy, and she eventually married him. She says she grew to love him but I still have my doubts. Not my business though so I keep my nose out.

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