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Is This Girl Being Shy Or Does She Not Like Me At All?


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Well theres this girl i like alot from my school and she knows i like her and i wanna kno if she is being shy or if she juss doesnt like me like whenever im like close to her and i say hii and then her name all she can usual do is wave at me and. She cant even look me in da eyes while she waves and whenever i ask her a question or something or if i tell her im sorry for something she can hardly talk and doesnt like speak any words and if she does speak they are like one lletter answears and she cant even look me in da eyes when im talkin to her, but when shes at a distace ive caught her starin at me before and she makes eye contact and shes not realli like this around anyone else.


She is usually energetic and not shy and even before like she was opening the door for people who went to the washroom in class becuz the door was locked and when she opened it for someone that wasnt even her friend she opened it and said hi and waited for the person to go in and then closed the door for the person but for me when i went she opened the door as fast as she could actually she touched the knob quickly so that it opened and sat down very fast could that have been being shy, and another time we were in a circle and we had to whisper in each others ear and she went to da washroom so when she came bak the teacher told her to sit beside me. when the teacher said dat she asked to sit in some random spot and the people sittin dere werent even her friends and when she came to sit she sat outside of the circle so she wasnt sittin beside me so then i asked to go to the washroom and when i came bakk she was sittin in the circle were i was beside people that werent here friends either.



She can like never talk to me by herself like she gets her friends to go for her and her friends to give me notes from her and stuff i dont think deres nething wrong wid me i am pretty good lookin blue eyes blondde hair im 14 and 6 feet tall and im good shape and im pretty shy myself but alot of girls talk to me tho and i notice that when im in class and shes at a distance i notice her friends lookin at me sometimes and even one time her friend was smilin at me when i was lookin at her but im realli confused becuz she doesnt act like dis around anyone else but me so does anyone think shes bein shy or does she dislike me alot plzz help i think i luv dis girl.

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Not to be a jerk, but I refuse to even try to read that until you put in at least one period, somewhere. It much easier to grasp a situation when it's communicated in a clear and concise manner. Break your thoughts up into sentances, so we can know what it is you're trying to say.

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As the previous poster commented use of paragraphs, proper grammar and sentences are much easier on the eyes. I did scan over the post though, and try to give some input, but next time please use proper punctuation, it will increase the amount of readers and replies.


To me it sounds like she may be interested. She waves and speaks at least. If she was entirely uninterested she would most likely ignore the verbal portion, Hellos and other statements you've made to her.


Often times when someone is shy and is unsure how to react, they won't make eye contact. It is possible that this is the case, she feels nervous and thereforeeee cannot make that essential portion of eye contact with you. I've found it is more likely to make eye contact with someone you don't care for than someone you are interested in.


Furthermore, she may act different because she is interested. She would have no need to act unrelaxed or nervous around friends or people she has absolutely no second thoughts about. Whereas you, on the other hand, may cause feelings which trigger such reactions which can be misrepresented as dislike.


My main recommendation is ask questions that you can't have one word wonder answers to. Things such as "How are you?" can be answered as fine. Now if you follow that question up with something such as, "What did you do this weekend?" She may say "Nothing" but there is a good deal more chance for conversation here. You could always try talking about a local event in town that you find of interest and what her opinion is on it, a moving at the cinema or new one coming up and similar questions which require more in depth responses in most cases than that of How are you, and general Yes or No types.

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