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whats going on here??

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so this guy and i have been hanging out. he calls me i call him.......then we hang out. just here latley hes been weird. Monday night he calls me askin me to come over but i had to work till 3 am. the conversation went really well. he said to call anywysa when i got off but he was sleeping no big deal.


i called him the next day cuase he knew i woudl be sleepin late. we got to gether that day and hung out. watched a movie, and he started laying on me cuddling. i had to get going but he would say "nooo u dont" tryin toget me to stay longer. i did and he continued to lay on me. when i did leave we hugged and we gave each other a kiss on the cheek at the same time.


the next day i called him but he didnt answer. no call back. ok no big deal. i worked till about 9 and he lives right where i park. when i was leaving i saw him and his friend outside his house so i went up and said hi. he said "HI im so glad u stopped bye" and i couldnt stay long casue i had stuff to do but he kept askin me to stay and hang out. all this.


when i was leaving we had an extrememly long hug. he asked me to call him the next day but i said noooo u call me. we kept exchanging kisses on the cheek (we have yet to have the 1st and his friend was around so it wouoldnt of been good timing if that were the case).


so i go through the day/.....no call. i called him to just say hi. no answer. so i have decided to not do anthing more. what i dont understand is whats going on???? i jsut dont get it. thigns were fine.

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alright.....so should i play hard to get on my part. and also i have been asked out on a date by another guy for tomorrow night. as of now there are no signs of this recent guy callin so should i go on the date or not.


i mean what if the guy i have been hangin out with isnt intrested and he just doestn watnt to flat out tell me so should i risk missin out with this other guy

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a tough decision indeed. You'll probably get advice for both options. I'm one for sticking with one thing until you know for sure whether there's something to be gained. I wouldn't try to date/pursue more than one girl at the same time. When I'm interested in a girl, she gets all my attention (ina healthy way that is)


I'd say, wait a bit on this guy, call him and leave a message saying how you'd really like to talk or get together again or something.

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I always think that if the relationship is that confusing when it hasn't even gotten off the ground yet, then that's a definite red flag. Do you think if you just keep hanging around and hoping, that he will magically start being the kind of guy you want? Is this behavior a sample of what you're in for if you stick around and get involved with him? I never put up with anyone who sends me mixed signals because there are sooo many other things I'd rather be doing than trying to solve a mystery. But that's just me.

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so heres the latest......


last night i had an away message up saying "i dont ask for much.....all i ask for is honesty" in a way i guess it could pertain to him but it wasnt it was toward someone else. well he IMed me late last night wondering who that was towards and stuff. i told him not for him. and i told him i called him today, and he was like u did?? i said yes and yesterday too but u never called back. he said well probably becuase i never get service and that i have to leave voice mails for him to get it.......hmmmmmmm


anyways he got off real fast. i didnt call him all day. that guy called me and i was like hey why not go out if hes not callin me. So i leave a message up saying "got myself a hot date tongiht".


as i was out a friend of mine calls me adn leaves me avoicemail. he is home for the weekend. (by the way is really good friends iwth this other guy im tryin to talk to). i call him back and hes askin me what im doing asks me to come out to party but i say no and i ask him if he was by himself cuase it was super quiet. he said no and he named the people he was with and he was with the guy i like. i didnt say antyihng really and my friend asked me if i wanted to get dinner tomorrw i said yeah to call me. he said alrigt and we talked for a little bit and then said bye.


i just kinda hope that it bugged him all this.............i dont know..........i just dont get it

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so the guy you like, turns out to be friends with the other guy? That's intresting. Keep posting. For now that's a tough situatiom. I would back off then from the other guy. you sound like your using him to get to this guy you like. I don't think you should lead him on. Are they both aware of this? Or you just know about it?

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ok heres the deal. i like this guy we will name him chris. chris and i have a mutual friend named paul. paul came home for the weekend and called me last night askin me what i was up to and such, asked me to do something the next day. while talkin to paul on the phone chris was in the car too. so im not leaning on the one friend for the other.


the same thing happened today. the guy paul called me and when he were talkin chris came over to pauls. i told paul to tell him i said hi (to not be rude u know) and chris said my name super loud like being dumb in the background.


i guess hes just not that into me................its just confusing cause a coupld days ago chris was the one callin me

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paul and chris are pretty good friends. way before high school and its been a couple years since high school. anywyas chris knows paul and i have always been good friends. its all one big circle of friends. i dont think chris mentioned that him and i were hanging out.....i guess thats not a good sign then

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