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being left out....

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O.K. here's the thing. me and a group of my friends have been friends for a while now.... its been close to 5 years. We have some great times together and all. But Just this last year has been rough. The group consists of Adele, Nick, Jackie, Robert, Emily, Austin, Amber, and Wheeler...


Me and Nick used to Date.... but now, we're just friends. We broke up cause i thought Nick was Cheating on me with adele....... Adele got mad cause i blamed her for our breakup.... and ever since then, she hasn't treated me with any respect. so i can deal with her seprately...


But jackie is my best friend. she knows everything about me and yeah we havent known eachother forever tho... but i feel like we have. she is so sweet and kind to everyone. She is really good friends with Adele. but ever since me and Nicks break up which was LAST YEAR. she has been acting different.


Robert and Emily and Austin and Amber and Wheeler....they just follow what ever Adele tells them to do or say. she is really lazy and she has everybody else do her stuff for her.... like is she printed something she would make someone else go and get it.


The group hasnt invited me anywhere this year... and it makes me mad because i dont know if its the groups decision, or adele's cause we dont get along at all.


they all act like were friends in school and all but once the bell rings it all changes. its like i am not even there. and it irrates me to no end. and idk if i put up with this stuff from them or not.


Is this my fault for being left out?? cause i can understand if one person doesnt invite me thats fine... but the whole group. i dont know what to think or do about it.


They sit and talk about doing stuff right in front of me and still no invation.... and i know that icant expect one every time... but at least one would be nice....


tell me what u think...



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It might be time to find a new set of friends, they all sound very superficial to me. Friends stick by one another no matter what. Plus when everyone knows your business, it can get ugly. Sorry you are going through this but true friends would not act like that. I hope things get better for you.

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i agree.... sounds like you need to start hanging out with new people. Once you have other things to do, it won't matter to you so much that they are not giving you an invitation, because you'll have better things to do, and nicer people to hang out with. Find friends who are true friends.. not ones that will be snotty and ditch you because one person tells them to.... you don't need people like that in your life hun. I'm sorry you're going through this, but it will get better!

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Just say, "look I'm busy with other things. I will give you a call sometime." I am not understanding why they ask you why you don't hang out with them when they leave you out of things. Weird. Like I said, these people are no friends of yours, very superficial. With friends like that, who needs enemies? Take care.

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thanks all of u!!


well u all will be happy to know that i am doin alright... i have found new friends that treat me like a friend.


i am still kinda mad at them all... and they are still treating me like crap even tho i am not hanging out with them anymore. the looks the stares.... they give me hurt... but i can deal with it and i will move on from them....


i have realized that i dont need people like that....


thanks u guys!!!

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I felt like this when I had an argument with one of my friends, and they ddin't here the side of my story and all backed her.. I don't even know what I did to upset her... but only yone of my friends stood by me (and was still friends with the others) Situations like these just show you who your true friends are, if you feel people arn't treting you right forget them make some new friends

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