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I was a jerk to best friend. Says she isnt mad. Why? -long-

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My best friend, Yuki, and I send messages and letters to eachother on almost a daily basis. But a couple days ago, in a letter, I mentioned I had a seizure a few weeks ago (a friend of ours, Cassia, told her that I had a seizure. So Yuki asked me if I had actually had one). She didn't say anything about the seizure in her next letter so when I wrote back I said that I was glad she wasn't worried. Her next letter said that I was pushing it and called me a B (the b-word).


Yesterday I aked her if she was still mad at me and I apologized for being such a jerk. She told me that she never was mad at me.


Now, Yuki has an EXTREMELY short fuse with people who are jerks. Whether they are her friends or not. Why is it that I am practically the only one she has a long fuse with? Why am I the exeption to that short fuse?

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Did you find out why you had a seizure, or are they usual for you? I hope everything is okay!


Does not sound like she is mad, she just may have been a bit off put when you made the remark which she lashed back at...she may have felt you were accussing her of being uncaring (which it does not seem she really is?) and said it without thinking too much about it.


I think it's best just to say what you "meant" and did not mean it in a harmful way, and go from there...if you guys are good friends it should not really matter in the long run. I don't think you really were being a "jerk" by my definition, I think you were just reacting to her absense of comment.

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P.S. Are you O.K.?


Yes, I am. Thanks ^_^


Did you find out why you had a seizure, or are they usual for you?


I didn't find out why. It was the first time I ever had one. I had just came out of depression and it happened a week afterwards. My first topic I posted on this site was about the seizure.


she may have felt you were accussing her of being uncaring (which it does not seem she really is?) and said it without thinking too much about it.


Well, when I was in depression I usually accused her of not caring. She helped me get out of it though. She made me realize a lot.

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