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question for girls that isn't talked about much

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okay, i'm an uncircumcised guy and i don't know whether or not to be afraid of what a girl will think of that. do girls think it's gross or anything? it just seems that circumcision is considered so normal that i don't know if i should feel self conscious about it or not. i don't have a problem with being uncircumcised and i realize it's how a penis is supposed to be, but do the majority of girls think that?


help me out if you can, thanks.

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The guy who was my "first" was uncircumsized... and I didn't even notice. It wasn't until later that I thought about it and realized he was. Then I tried to remember if there was any difference and I didn't remember any. I don't have the greatest memory though.


This is something I think only uncircumsized men wonder about. I'm going to pay attention to this topic though because I was discussing with my husband this topic and whether we should circumsize if we have a son. I say, I'd rather not since we are not religious and it seems rather a rather barbaric and pointless custom to someone non-religious. I guess there isn't really a reason beyond cleanliness and custom which is not a real issue, I don't think.

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I know that the a good amount of the girls I've spoken to about this (trust me, in college you talk about anything) preferred a circumsized man but most were American women that were used to seeing it. I think as antrigrav said, it probably has a lot to do with what they're used to seeing or being with. If a girl has only known circumsized then she'll see an uncut penis as "gross" and vice-versa. I do know that uncut men supposedly do not last as long as cut men because they have heightened sexual sensation -- a blessing as well though. Cut men do not have that protective skin on their glans and are not as well "lubricated" so their sensitivity is lowered, but they don't suffer from getting smeg on their glans Just make sure you clean yourself properly.

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This will depend on the woman and her experiences. Some parts of the world circumcision is much less practiced then in North America, so it seems it is more of an "issue" for women raised in North America then anywhere else.


Personally, I don't care either way - I care about the guy and not whether he is circumcised or not!


When I have children, I don't plan on circumcising any boys, for many reasons. My mother never had my brother done either so it is not "tradition" in my family, my mother also came from the UK so her decision may have been influenced by that. I just do not think it is necessary, is painful for that child, and carries some risks with it as well.


As long as you keep the area clean and hygienic (just as you should do anyway, and any female has to do as well) I don't see why someone would think anything negative of being uncircumcized. For some it may be a bit "new" of an experience, but for me it would definitely not turn me off!

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I also heard that the feeling is better for the guy who is not circumstized. is that true?


It is supposed to be, as one circumcised, the head of the penis becomes a bit more desensitized. The foreskin on the other hand protects the area, keeps it more sensitive, and also adds some extra friction as the foreskin can "slide" a bit more during intercourse to add friction to penis head. It's also why someone mentioned above they may not be able to sometimes hold it back as well..lol.


This is only what I have heard though or read from men who are and are not circumcised.

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I also heard that the feeling is better for the guy who is not circumstized. is that true?


It is supposed to be, as one circumcised, the head of the penis becomes a bit more desensitized. The foreskin on the other hand protects the area, keeps it more sensitive, and also adds some extra friction as the foreskin can "slide" a bit more during intercourse to add friction to penis head. It's also why someone mentioned above they may not be able to sometimes hold it back as well..lol.


This is only what I have heard though or read from men who are and are not circumcised.


Yep, that is correct for the most part, RayKay. Apparently men with an uncut penis have far more sensitivity because the foreskin protects the glans from the elements. The glans of an uncut guy are more oily and "naturally lubricated" for sex from what I understand, but cut guys will last longer due to decreased sensitivity. I'm sure there are sides where uncut guys can last longer, but the sensitivity of the glans is just less in cut guys.

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  • 4 months later...
okay, i'm an uncircumcised guy and i don't know whether or not to be afraid of what a girl will think of that. do girls think it's gross or anything? it just seems that circumcision is considered so normal that i don't know if i should feel self conscious about it or not. i don't have a problem with being uncircumcised and i realize it's how a penis is supposed to be, but do the majority of girls think that? help me out if you can, thanks.


Seriously, lots of guys wonder (no, actually they agonize) about that. And I got sick of reading so many answers that marginalize the issue, like they don't even notice, they don't really care, if they do then they are not worthy of you, etc. So I actually did a web search of forums, using key words like "girls prefer circumcised." Try it yourself, and you will find, as I did, that a very clear majority of girls absolutely DO!

So what that means is that the odds are definitely against the uncut guy unless he fools them into thinking he is cut. Not all guys can get away with that, so be prepared to convince her that you are thoroughly clean and safe to be intimate with.

That can present problems too, because you don't always get to plan ahead for impromptu sexual encounters, or have the facilities available for an unexpected clean-up session when its necessary. Even then, it might not be enough. Girls have their preferences too, and are just as entitled to them as we are.

What can I say? If you don't want to get circumcised (or wear your foreskin retracted at all times, like I do, so you are never caught unprepared), those are the breaks.

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Charles II-- I understand that from a guy's point of view, it can get annoying hearing the girls on here saying the same thing over and over, but I don't think all of us are marginalizing the issue. It's really about preference, and I don't think a lot of girls really DO care if a guy is uncut. I think it's just about what the girl is used to. I know for me there's not much of a difference in which one I prefer more. I've only slept with anyone that is uncut and there was no problem with it, but I guess I don't really know cuz I haven't had sex with anyone that is cut, but in terms of appearance and just fooling around... either or!!!!

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