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Yes, some STI's like the ones that cause herpes, can be transferred just by skin to skin contact..meaning it is POSSIBLE you can transfer them - and why they can be transferred even during sex with protection used.


Many can also be transferred orally, more than those that can be with manual alone.


It seems many people think oral or manual is safer, but you still need to be aware of your partner's sexual health, and be careful, because it is possible to get many things even without intercourse. I have heard of some people with nasty things in their throats and the like from oral.

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Manual meaning with your hands?


Technically there is always a risk. If you exchange fluids its a risk. If it gets absorbed into the skin somehow im sure you could get an STD.


The chances of that are smaller. But if you had a cut on your hand, it would be much more likely to get an std.


Do what ya gotta do though. If you want to give oral but are afraid of the std - get a flavored condom. If you are giving oral to a girl then you can cut the condom up longways and spread it over her vagina. If its a dude, just use the condom as regular.

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Still, condoms are the safest protection against STD's so your still better off with them.


Darkblue, not ALL STD's are virusses. There is an essential difference between those that are bacterial and those viral. Gonnorrea and chlamydia are bacterial and can be treated (if catched in an early state there's probably no harm) with antibiotics. Gonnorea can also have symptoms in the oral area (manifesting as a throat infection).


Virusses are much more tricky, in fact you will never get rid of them. Once you have herpes or HIV, you can just use medications to suppress the virus or eventually, the symptoms.


Herpes on the mouth can spread to herpes on the genitals.



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