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panic attack help?

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Is there any way to get over panic attacks when your gettin intimate?


Usually for me, the first few times i get with somebody and the clothes come off i get freezing cold, a little shaky (sometimes VERY shaky), stomach upset, oh yeah and my hands get extremely cold and clammy...not too sexual to the touch rofl, and the fun just goes away...like i get extremely nervous.


Then things go down


what in the world can be done to stop this?! I'm only 18 those ED medicines are outta the question here. (even though i've tooled around with Cialis before...holy crap the fun just wouldn't end, its a shame it was just a 5-pill trial pack...) I'm a very very nervous person anyway, am i in need of some counseling here? If so, what do i discuss? sexual counseling? lifestyle counseling?


Any insight would be great....

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hi, i actually posted up topics about my panic attacks too. but mines are not during sex or intimacy. They occur alll the time. I am a very nervous and anxious person too. I am also against medications AND i am 19...so we are on the same boat. I wish I can tell you an answer but i don't have one yet. I am going to see a doctor soon but if you need to talk, just PM me.

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