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ok theres this girl i like. ive liked her for a while now and we're pretty good friends. im always trying to make her laugh, or alteast smile and atleast 95% of the time i do, which is ore than anyone else does. anyway i asked her out last year to a dance, but she turned me down. but now we've just been getting a lot uh...closer? we usually exchange eye contact throughout the day and she seems happy to see me when im around. but recently i heared that she liked one of my best friends from someone else who knows her. anyway she dosnt seem to act like it as much as around me so im not to sure whats going on. ive been driving myself to think that she does like me just to keep myself sane, but latley ive been slipping up and loosing sleep over her. im not sure what to do now cuz sometimes i get different vibes and sometimes we give eachother "That" kinda look. so if anyone could help me out it'd be great.

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i agree, ask her out, tell her you like her but if shes not intrested that you still like her as a friend. if she turns you down once leaave it as that, girls hate it if you keep on, or make friendships unconfortable. either way your still young so relax and take your time in relationships. you have loads of time for practice.


good luck and take care

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