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cute girl caught me dancing around naked

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rofl tweak likes southpark im gonna say...


pretty funny situation, i can't imagine why she was screaming if you've already had sex,


perhaps it was really warm in the shower, you were hangin low that day (yyeeaaahhh man thumbs up!) and she was so shocked that she had taken all of what you have to offer that she screamed in shock at suddenly realizing you could have impaled her!


This is definitely the most likely scenario.

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nah dude in all respect...give her a call and if shes still freakin out over somethin so little then i would say get rid of her...she might consider it non-normal but im going to say each and every one of us here on this forum has danced naked after takin a shower...duno who said it but the fact that she would probably want you to stop says that shell want you to stop alot of other things too...not fun

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Question: Why were you dancing naked when there was a chance that someone could come in and see you? Your only suppose to do that when absolutely no one is home and there is no chance any one will see you. Either that or if your partner wants you to do a strip dance for her. 8)


Talk to her, tell her you were goofing off and being stupid. Everyone has had embarrassing moments, and if this relationship is going to go somewhere then there will be plenty more to come.

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could be worse. could of been standing naked smelling her panties.

then i could maybe see why she's screamed. but hey


shiminimo, you obviously have a great sense of humor! Do what the other posters suggested: Call her, tell her you are mortified -- and then joke about it. Say that you were just doing your best Tom Cruise imitation (hopefully she remembers the movie Risky Business 8) ) and forgot your underwear.


And if she can't deal with that, then let her go. Lillady898 is right: If she won't join in, she's no fun.


Wait a minute: was she shocked by your nakedness, or by your dancing??

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