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I met this guy I posted about it last week we have known eachother for 2 weeks I like him he is respectful cute comes out everynight to see me but does not want to be together until after he gets into his own house because he has nothing to offer he thinks he just says he has nothing on his own which he is moving in this week


He said for us to let things go how they go that he wants to be with me he just has not stepped up yet but he has not moved into his house yet,Tonight he told me that he has caught feelings for me he is with me everynight and all we do is have a good time and smile the wholeeeeeeee time, My question is what are the best signs to see if this is real or signs of red flags to watch out for before I start catching feelings for him alot more then I have already?


I guess it's diffucult to do this for me it's been so long and I had a real bad breakup that took me forever to get over and move on, I have been asked out so much in a yr didnt go out just stayed to myself but this guy is diffrent I dont know what it is but it feels right


Any advice ?hehe

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I think this guy has a real good thing going. Men like to know that they can provide for the girl in their life, and I think that he does like you (I mean,why would he come around every night ?), but he wants to get himself worked out.


I think, play it by ear, and if it feels right, then it is more than likely right! Give him a bit of time to sort himself out, and whatever you do, do not put pressure on him, cause this might push him away a bit.


I think you have a keeper here......

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You know everyone is telling me this heheh

We went out lastnight and me and my gf made a bet just to play around she bet me that within a month we would be together I bet her we wouldnt heh but it was just to see who would win


I am not pushing him to do anything and I dont want to either I have not felt like this in such a long timeeeeeee,It's crazy acutally but it feels right and feels good to know that after all that time I was hurt and down that I can smile again but even better


Another thing is we have been hanging out for 2 weeks he has stayed with me and has not once tryed anything we talked about it he said he wants to wait for the right time and does not want it to ruin anything but the part that made me smile lastnight is when I looked at him and told him I really liked him he told me he was catching feelings for me and I just smiled and didnt say anything


I think he a great guy I honestly can say that I have never felt like this before


What does everyone think?

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As a guy(who is suppose to use and abuse girls,as the stereo type most of the time goes),I get really mad when guys push girls to get into a girls pants,and then leaves her home and dry!(I know a couple of them)!


I think this guy is a real keeper! He is respecting you as a guy should respect a lady(By saying he doesn't want to rush into anything), and it sounds as if he really has it in for you! It sounds like you are one of the lucky girls out there right now!!


My advise is hang in there,and time will tell what will happen.I can almost certainly say that this one will work out for the best

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