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stupid shyness...

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I've liked the same guy for a while now. He's not really a friend- more like an acquaintance, we've only talked a couple of times, and that was out of necessation (is that a word?) since I'm too scared to go up and talk to him out of the blue, and "Bob" never talks to anyone but his friends. I know we share some interests- everyone in band does- but... yess... is there anything I can do? or am I doomed?

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i am not good at this kinda thing because i am kinda shy in a way but what i was thinking if you know if he has an e-mail you could e-mail him not excacly telling him you like him but say somthing like you were in class together and you were bored and you had nothing to do and say you e-mailed him.... thats what i would do or i would just talk to him but thats me, i hope i helped

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Hello Frootist,


I know, I know. Approaching someone you like can be pretty tough. Human beings dont like rejection. Its just part of our nature. Doomed? I highly doubt it. Anxious, that may be more like it. Here is something to think about. Whats worse, knowing or not knowing. I think the problem is that fear is preventing you from seeking truth. The only way to find the truth is by reconstructing youre thoughts. For instance, the next time you have the urge to talk to "Bob" and you feel afraid, ask yourself what are you afraid of. Of course, youre mind will think of something such as....(he may laught at me). As soon as youre mind begins to think negative, you need to challenge that negative thought and think positive. So lets say you are about to tell him how you feel and then you get scared and think he will laugh at you....thats when you need to ask youreself what evidence do i have that he will laugh at me. If you dont have any, then by all means go for it. Worse case scenario, he already has a significant other or he laughs at you. So what, as long as you tried. And besides that if he does laugh at you or embaress you, dont take it personally its a reflection on him, not on you! Then again, like Reni said, "Bob" might be just as shy as you. Try it. See what happens. Seek the truth. Think positive and dont let fear hold you back.

Create a great day!!!

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