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The real deal on Men

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I am trying to find out what the read deal with men is once and for all. I know this may apply to some women too, and not all men, but either way, I wanted to know what is it that men do when they get together for a "night on the town"? Do guys seriously go out to see how many women they can score with? Do they really just sleep around as much as possible? Will men hook up with any woman just becuase the opportunity presents itself? I know that not all men are this way, but most are, especially the young ones in their 20's who are not really thinking about settling down. what is it that men feel that makes them behave this way?

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what is it that men do when they get together for a "night on the town"?


It varies.


Do guys seriously go out to see how many women they can score with? Do they really just sleep around as much as possible? Will men hook up with any woman just becuase the opportunity presents itself?


Not all men are like that, no. In fact, I would say that most men are not like that in terms of how they actually behave. There's a lot of bravado talking that goes on, esp among younger men, but much of it is just talk.


I know that not all men are this way, but most are, especially the young ones in their 20's who are not really thinking about settling down. what is it that men feel that makes them behave this way?


Again, I don't think most men actually behave that way, even young men, all talk among them aside. For the ones that do behave that way, I suppose it's easy enough to understand the typical motivation: they want the pleasure of sex, and the ego-boost that the 'conquest' of an attractive woman gives them without the strings of commitment, involvement or entangelement.

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I think it is different for different guys. It depends a lot on the group you hang around with. For me, nights out were never about picking up girls. Usually about going to a bar and having a laugh. But other groups of guys I knew of it was all about meeting girls and other groups it was all about getting drunk or stoned. Different for everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As much as I hate to say it - guys are animals. I mean that in the sense that they have biological drives. The same goes for women - the only difference is that men seem to be prepared to risk more to satisfy those drives.


A woman might decide not to accept the advances of a handsome stranger because she does not want to risk her family - a guy might not think that far ahead.


i.e., guys aren't to be trusted. Keep them on a short-ish leash. The same goes for women...

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