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Going to break NC

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I think I am going to break NC today. I don't feel comfortable when there is ambiguity between us. I was suppose to call her to meet up and I didn't because I don't feel I could see her since I still have very strong feelings.


She tried to contact me twice since NC and I really responded. I know it is over now and that she wouldn't come back to me. I just feel it.


I want to call her to finish things off properly. Just to tell her I can't remain friends and wish her luck and that I will remove her from MSN etc...


I don't want to just not tell her.


What do you people think?

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Is this just closure for yourself or are you looking for a reaction?

If you KNOW it's over, then why are you contacting her? If you can do this

and feel better about it, and NOT feeel like you took a step backward..then do it. Otherwise....don't bother.

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I didn't want to meet her. I just wanted to call her and clear things up because she thought we were going to be friends. But, I don't want that now. I didn't want to keep her guessing.


I called her, but no one answered. So, I wrote an email instead.

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