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NEED HELP! Married for a year and no sex in three months!

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Thanks for the laugh people hahaha, but this post isn't about weight. I just want to say THANK YOU! And here my husband complains if I don't put out after two weeks!! You sound like a great guy you really do. But why is it always about sex with men? gosh get a hobby hahahaha!

I don't know your wife but it sounds like she probably isn't feeling sexy. Have you talked to her about HOW YOU FEEL! Do you discuss this with her at all? or do you just wait for her to give you the I AM IN THE MOOD sign? And please don't assume she is getting IT elsewhere, gosh why do all guys think that? Women do not live ON SEX ALONE! well now a days I can't really speak for all women, because I look around and I see all these young brainless girls that will do any thing to get a man hahahaha! and I do mean any thing.

Maybe she needs to feel good about her self, maybe you can set up a nice romantic evening for the two of you. Just to get her feeling good. And don't be all pushy about sex, trust me that's a major buzz kill. Make her feel sexy tell her she looks hot. And if this still doesn't work, strait up ask her, why she hasn't been in the mood. Maybe she should get a physical make sure all is okay with in. There has to be some reason. You just have to find out what that reason is and take it from there. And remember to have


Peace Out




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Most of the times when we're facing a problem that affect us, we tend to over look the reasons to the problem.


For instance, do you spend to much time in your computer?

Do you watch to much TV and wait until your favorite program is over and only then go to bed and look for your wife?

Or may be she is over worked and coming home with work to do?


Even if the unswer to all these questions is negative. I'm pretty sure the problem with your wife lost of sex appetite is not only related to your weigth proble.


I have two friens one is married for more then 10 years with her husband who gained weight after they got married and he is almos 5' 11" and 300 pounds. She is a very petite lady.

The other case is my coworker and friend who got married about six years ago he is a 5' 5" 160 pounds male and his wife is a 5' 7" 260 pound lady.


In this two cases they bougth live an active sex life. How do I know?

Because one is going for their 4th kid and the other one do nothing but talk about his wife, and how they love each other.

Well, this probabli wont help to your question, but I was thinking and sugest using something to promote her sex activitie. Some thing like VIAGRA.

I think that is the first step you should use, and from there you will be able to judge. If she still not motivated to make it with you, nothing will do...


Seriously, I hope that could help your marriage.


Best regards.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to tell you this but things are not going to get much better. Soon the must sex you will be getting will be once a year for less then five minutes. She could have an issue with her self esteem or is just using you because you are so nice and caring. If you don't want to fall into a loveless spiteful marriage the only advice I can give you is try to lose some weight, enough to be noticeable, and see her reaction. If she sees that you are making an effort maybe she will change. But thats a big IF.

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