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Maybe I'm misreading all the signs????


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Let me start off my saying that I've just gotten out of a very long term relationship and I'm in no way ready for another one. BUT just recently I've met this girl. Perhaps I'm being a bit hasty in saying, but she is the girl of my dreams!


I'm so confused about all this I don't know what to do. I met her through some mutual friend and have had the chance to spend some time with her and these mutual friends. During these outings, I've noticed that she been giving me a lot of attention. Looks out of no where, smiling. I reciprecate and she shy's away. We've gone to many clubs together and on many occasions, she has said that I'm too cute! No word of a lie, she's said this atleast 3-4 times each night we've gone out over a span of 4 weeks. There is lots of body contact, like grabbing my hand as we walk through the crowd. Dancing really close to me. Maybe it's just the alcohol?


Just recently, I had the chance to drive her home alone We talked all the way back to her place. For some reason she didn't want to go home...she wanted to "chill"....but since it was about 4am, I said "Why don't I just take you home, but you agree to have dinner with me." She agreed and I drove her to her place. In the parking lot, I asked her for her number so we could have dinner...and this is where it gets confusing. She said "ummm...dinner sounds a little bit too personal for me, why don't we say we'll chill sometime." What the heck is that?


Now I've said that I'm not ready for a relationship, and I know she's just gotten out of a long term relationship also, but PEOPLE do have to eat! And I really just want to get to know her better.


Soooo...I called her up a few days later...we chatted for about 5 mins, and she tells me that she's heading up stairs so she'll call me right back. So I wait...and wait...and wait..about an hour and a half later she calls. We chat for about 10 mins, and just when I'm about to ask her to "chill" sometime, she said she is preoccupied and asks if we could talk tomorrow. I say sure, but where does that leave me? Do I call her? Do I wait for her to call?


Everyweek seems the same...all I do is wait for the weekend so that I can see her....I want a way to break this through this mould, even if it's just to make a new friend, instead of waiting on mutual friends to make plans before I can see her again.


Hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.


Thanks a bunch.

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Next time it takes her an hour and a half to call you back, dont answer. Then call her back later. Dont make it seem as if you were sitting by the phone waiting for her to call you. She seems interested but you need to let her do the chasing.


Show her there are consequences for calling you late.


Oh and dont call her for a few days. Let her contact you. You need to show her your a man and you arent going to take her bs.

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