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how do i go about asking him this

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Theres this guy i have been seeing..well right now we arent seeing eachother beause of complications..but we will be ok in the future. Any way..he has sort of a temper. Its gotten alot better since weve become closer. But, im a little worried about it. A coworker of mine told me that a few years ago he had to attend anger management classes. It didnt change my feelings..just i became a little concerned and kinda scared. I wanna know if its true. How can i ask him without getting in his business.He tells me i can ask and say anything to him but i cant just come out and ask it..im not that kind of person





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what are you doing with someone you're scared of? if it's on your mind you can just tell him, "hey, i just talked to so and so and they said you went to anger mgmt. is that true?"


he can either get mad. then you say "see ya, i don't need this"

or sad. you say "hey, it's all good. i don't think you have a problem"

or nothing. you say "it's all good. i don't think you have a problem"


i'm sure if something was on his mind you'd want him to ask. you don't want this to grow into something it's not. good luck

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talk to him.. dont be afraid...part of the reason why he's got this problem stems from lack of advice from a friend or someone who can hear him out..Tell him your concerns and of course he's got to admit he's got a problem and wants to change..(for his own good.) Visit link removed this site has helped me start to make a change..Good luck!!!

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Two words: Get Out. Well three, get out now. Please do yourself a favor and kick this guy to the curb. Guys like this put women through so much turmoil and it doesn't have to be this way. Don't think for one minute that you can tame him or change him. He alone must recognize that he has a problem and get professional help. Don't let him give you those puppy dog eyes and tell you everything will be fine.


Go find one of the guys who were probably overlooked before, the quiet guy in the corner, the guy that was too afraid of rejection at the time you first knew him. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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