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Can a pregnancy test only be used after a missed period?


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Hi guys.


The above question, can a pregnancy test be used ONLY after a missed period?


My GF and I had sex 20-30 days go, with spermicide and withdrawl method. (I know, I know) It was shortly after her period.


She's experiences a slightly swollen stomach, and we are worried about a pregnancy. I want to head down to a Planned Parenthood tomorrow for a pregnancy test, but her period is not due until the 7th of October.


Will a pregnancy test be effective before she's supposed to have the period?

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I would probably wait to see if she gets her period. If she does not within 3 days, then get the test. Dont worry her because then she will probably get late (stress delays the period). If you guys are extremely worried, and you want to know ASAP, then she needs to go to her doctor and take a blood test. It is the most accurate.

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I can safely say I am not having sex for a long, long time after this.


Well that may be an over-reaction. Just make sure you use a more reliable method of birth control when you have sex.


Right now it doesn't feel like an over-reaction, but if it is, then a more reliable method will be used for sure.

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I can safely say I am not having sex for a long, long time after this.


Well that may be an over-reaction. Just make sure you use a more reliable method of birth control when you have sex.


I don't think it's an overreaction. If you're not ready to deal with all the potential consequences of sex, and there is ALWAYS a chance of them happening, then it's prudent to abstain until you are ready to deal with them.

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Hi guys.


The above question, can a pregnancy test be used ONLY after a missed period?


My GF and I had sex 20-30 days go, with spermicide and withdrawl method. (I know, I know) It was shortly after her period.


She's experiences a slightly swollen stomach, and we are worried about a pregnancy. I want to head down to a Planned Parenthood tomorrow for a pregnancy test, but her period is not due until the 7th of October.


Will a pregnancy test be effective before she's supposed to have the period?


A slightly swollen stomach wouldn't appear this quickly. Any fetus at this stage is going to be smaller than the head of a sewing needle. Any other symptoms? Tender breasts? Nausea? The usual?

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A slightly swollen stomach wouldn't appear this quickly. Any fetus at this stage is going to be smaller than the head of a sewing needle. Any other symptoms? Tender breasts? Nausea? The usual?


Erm, the tender breasts, but that's an always with her. I'm not really sure what to think, as I'm ruling out the times before her last period, which was a light period. That could be implantation bleeding, but she had the cramps and everything.

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Odds are against it, but really use a condom at the very least. Even that isn't 100%. A good friend of mine has a daughter who was unplanned. She was on birth control and they were using condoms for additional protection. Sometimes God has other plans. Granted she's married but her husband was in school and they really weren't prepared. Anyway no matter what you do things happen, but at 16 you do need to try more than the pull out method. Really that IS risky.

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I'm a little confused about the dates. You posted 9/26 and said you had sex 20-30 days ago, shortly after her period, which was very light, and you had sex prior to that. Yet her period isn't due until 10/7. Twenty days before your post was 9/6. Let's say her period ended the day before, and being light, was only three days long. The first day of her cycle would then be 9/3. To expect it again on 10/7 would be 34 days. And that's if it was only 20 days ago that you had sex AND she had a very short period last time. It's not unheard of to have a 34-day cycle (I'd had that myself for a few blissful years), but 44-days or more seems quite long. So I'd like to get better information.


A couple of questions...


Is her cycle the same length every month?


On what basis is she calculating that 10/7 is when her next period is due?


How long was her last period?


Have you had a pregnancy test done since her last light period?


How sure are you that you had sex 10-20 days ago? Can you try to pinpoint it better by thinking of other events that happened around that time?

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Hi there, I am sorry about the confusion. I am not really too sure about the dates. We last had sex Sept 6th. When I say that her period was light, I meant light in, it wasn't as intense. (according to her, which she said she never experienced before)


Her last period ended on the 5th I believe. And she says the next one is always a week after the last one. So 5 + 7 would be the 12th.


We have not had a pregnancy test done since the last light period. But we had sex on the second day of that period.


Confusing stuff. =(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a friend who has been trying for just a little over a week... she went to the drug store to get a pregnancy test because she thinks you can find out like a day or two after having sex.... I told her this is absolutely insane... but she's the one who has a 7 year old daughter so what do I know..



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