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Dreamt of my decessed dad

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I dreamt we were at a family gathering and he was there with us in body. We could touch him, sit next to him, just like when he was alive with us. We all knew we had attended his funeral and saw his body in the casket, and wondered how he was able to be there in his body with us one last time. I knew in the dream that my friends would never believe my dad had attended this get together and I didn't take pictures because we were all just so happy to see him and be with him again. I even wondered if I had taken pictures would he have shown up in them. Then it was over.


It was a very conforting dream. I've always believed there was life after death, but once my dad passed I really knew it was true, he has made sure I know it's true. My biggest challenge with his passing has been the fact I would never physically touch him again. I wouldn't be able give him hug, or just sit next to him. So this dream was basically giving me that feeling again.


He passed on April 16, 2005 peacefully during an afternoon nap. He spent the morning in the yard planting trees, and after having lunch with my mom was tired and went to lie down and rest. He was 64 years old, and died of congestive heart failure.

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Hi, I'm very sorry about your loss and I just wanted to say that your dream is telling you how you feel deep inside at this time. It shows you how much you loved him and still do, how much you miss him and want him back. It's very normal to have dreams like this and although it can be upsetting, they can help you understand where you are in your grief process. It's only been a short time and you will always love him but this immense pain of loss will fade into something more manageable in time to come. Take each day as it comes.

I think you would benefit from a proper support group who understands how you feel and where you can share your thoughts. Take care.

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My dad has been gone since 1991 and I ALWAYS have dreams like this... even with my grandmothers... but mostly my dad...


Like I will be a kid again just like I was when he died.. and I will come home for lunch with my best frined and he will be here at the table where he liked to sit.... We would know he is dead but we arent scared.. we tell him all about whats been going on that he missed etc etc..


I HONESTLY think that this is his communicating with me...

I have always said goodnight and I love you to him when I go to bed (obviously in my head) and sometimes I would say that I dont want to see a ghost so please dont scare me.. .so this is his way of seeing me ... it feels SOOOOOO REAL!!! I swear it is... It must be... Ive often wondered if I ever sleep walk when Im having these dreams...


My dads mother died before him, and then just 3 years ago his father died.. since then I havent had ANY dreams like that...


My other grandmother died in March 2005 and I have had 3 dreams with her like that.. the first was me showing her my wedding gown... after she died my bf proposed to me.. so she doesnt know that we are getting married.

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My father only ever appears in dreams with me to either tell me something. (He's appeared in some dreams before a big event: E.g. My mother having heart problems)


Or; when I think of him regularly. Which I'm not really one to drag up the past; but there are times which remind me of him or I want him to be here.

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