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Guy Cheated on girl plez help


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I have a very close friend, she is a very nice, sweet, inteligent and smart person. She is a very loyal girl friend, and there are so many guys out there after her. SHe would never give any guys a chance.


The problem is she is in love with this guy that always put her down. He would call her and cuss at her, he cheated on her multiple times with his ex. He let her know that he cheated too.


here is the worst part


He blamed everything on her, he said its her fault that he cheated, its her fault that he went on to have sex with his ex, because she would not go intimate with him.



Guys/Girls let me know what you think.


What kind of a guy out there cheats on his gf and blames it on her, saying its her fault that he cheated... He's an animal ...


Please post your response, My friend needs help, she is scared and doesn't know what to do.

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Well he can blame whomever he likes. If he cheated it's his fault. If he's saying he can't keep it in his pants unless your friend does everything he wants when he wants her to; she needs to decide if she wants to put up with that. If not, she doesn't have to, she can throw him out. His character doesn't matter. It's her reaction to his poor behavior that counts. What is she scared of, that he'll have sex with someone else? Say good bye and good riddance. That he will hit her or something - get a restraining order.

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How old is your friend???


This is going to be harsh and to the point...




She needs to never be in contact with this person ever again....She may need counseling for her self esteme issues...


Your friend is a very weak person with low self esteme to put up with all that crap....


Her boyfriend is a very bad person who manipulates her and tries to keep her down...He has no respect for her...I would not doubt he tells her what to do and she listens...


She needs to get away from this type of person before very bad damage is done if not done already...


He is a mental abuser and very bad for anyone...


I know this because I had a good female friend in a similar type of relationship and it took me a long time to get her convinced she needed to get out of the relationship...


Even then she felt guilty and weak after she left, he would not leave her alone it took her a long time to be the strong and independent person she is today...


I am sorry for being so blunt but your friend needs to be woken up...


You are a good friend for trying to help her....

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I went through this.. something very similar. You can tell her 'til your lips turn turn blue that she needs to leave him, but the thing is that girls in situations like this won't do it. She will do it when she is ready to.


It took for my x boyfriend to get another girl pregnant before I finally let the relationship go. It was only then that I started to heal, that I realized I was abused, that I needed couseling. With the help of couseling I came to grips with the fact that I was not the one who was wrong, and I didn't deserve the things that he did to me, and that I deserve better.


If she doesn't want to sleep with him, it's her right. He needs to realize that and if he doesn't then that is going to be a big problem. Especially since he is sleeping around, she needs to be careful.


I suggest you have her talk to someone, that can make her realize this is not a good healthy relationship. There are better men out there. Even though I know she doesn't think there is. But it is true, and when she is ready to move on, and open here heart she will see that.

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Hey Friend,


You need to file a police no contact order against this abusive guy. He does not love you, he has no feelings for you. He just wants to take advantage of you. He has no respect for you.


You are too nice, too good for him.... Dont talk to him, dont see him anymore. .


You need to move on now because you do things that you will regret for the rest of your life.


A cheater will always be a cheater, he is someone that doesn't respect you in ANY ANY way ...... And he will not changed ..... MOVE ON > You can do it...


i know you can

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Is that a letter for her or what you are gong to say to her?


It is a start but let me warn you it could not be enough for her to see the light ...You may need to go further than that and be much more blunt than that....


Maybe go visit a professional and have her talk to them about her situation so she can see the light...


I truly hope you can convince her as it will only get worse for her and could cause her so much damage that it will take her a long time before she can be with anyone who is good for her...O have any trust and self confidence in herself...


Good luck and you are such a good friend and person for this...

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