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You guys/girls are good so please help me I need direction..

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Ok here is the deal a girl that I like for years started dating one of my friends they never really got passed making out. And me being the guy I am just left them alone. Well they stopped seeing each other. So I asked my friend if its was ok for me to make a move on her and he said sure cause they only went out a few times. Well so she come over my house a few times for partys and 1 night she came over and I was totaly trashed when she got their and she started drinking with me and we got tanked she was hardcore coming on to me the whole night so we started messin around this is the first time we ever hooked up. So she spent the night but we didnt have sex (i dont need to go into details). The next day her friend tells me that she dosent remember it, well I know that is bullshit but anyway maybe she was embarrased for being so drunk and acting like that infront of her friends. So I figure maybe it was just drunk fun and nothing else. Well about 2 weeks later she comes over again and we end up sleeping in the same bed together and just cuddling. I didnt kiss her on purpose cause I guess I just wanted to play games with her like she was with me. Well here it goes that part that ***s with my head. I have another party at my house (yea i have alot of partys) well she comes over and then leaves my hopes were crushed. Well about an hour later she calls me and ask whos all over at my house still and I tell her almost everyone split except for 1 person and my roomate and his girl. Well she came over when I got to the door she told me that she lost her cell phone at my house witch is Bs cause she was calling me from her cell phone. So we end up messign around and she spent the night but didnt have sex.. She tells me that I make her nervouse. I asked her why but she just said "i dont know" . So I left it at that . Well after this to make it short she still hangs out with me, she still flirts with me and answers all my phone calls. But yet she has made out with another guy infront of me and has flirted hardcore with 1 of my friend since that point. I saw her last thursday at her job and she said she wanted to hangout with me this weekend cause she was going out of town for over a week. Well i didnt call her Im tired of being hurt. I dont know what to do I dont know if i love her but their is something special about her. Please guys/ and girls espicialy i need your help. AND TO THOSE THAT READ ALL THIS THANKS!!!!!!!!!

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Sounds like you like this girl, and don't know if she feels the same way as you do. From what you've written, she's smitten about you, otherwise she wouldn't proactively want to hang out with you. So i think what you need is to know her better, see if she's the kind of person that you'd like to hang out with. Because from what you've written, of all the time you hang out with her, most of the time, is either she's drunk or you're swiped. So, try to get to know her, and go from there. Hope that helped.

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Learning to view the truth behind colored glasses is a very difficult thing to do.


My friend, it seems that you friend is a very open minded woman. She may be interested in you but also interested in others. Since you have an attraction towards this woman and embraced all of her actions personally.

There are a couple of things that you need to do.


1. Firstly, advise her of your feelings. Tell her that you are interested in getting to know her better. If she shares an interest, then tell her what is bothering you.


If she does not share you interest or she is just not looking for ONE man in her life right now. Don't get upset, respect her views and if you can, remain her friend.


2. If you cannot confront her about your feelings. Then perhaps you should not spend any time with her to further allow your feelings to be hurt.


This also would apply if you tell her your feelings and she does not share the interest or the desire to commit to one man.


Either way, please protect yourself; don't allow this to continue to bother you.

Make a move quickly and control your feelings.

Good luck to you.

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I can totally relate, I had the same scenerio with a guy that I liked for a couple years as well. He kept playing stupid games, being coy, one day he liked me the next he didn't ect. I was hurt and frustrated, but I did like him alot so I confronted him. I asked him if he felt anything for me, and I wasn't expecting or asking for a commitment, but that I did deserve to be treated with respect, and if he could not do that, stop calling coming over and playing with my head. It was hard to do, but in the end it was the right thing.


He didn't feel the same way, in my case he just wanted sex. But my point is, in your case, she may feel the same way, but is afraid to show you first. She may be waiting for you to make the first move- or maybe not. But you will never know unless you ask.


Good luck guy! I wish you all the best

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