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Not looking for sympathy, just a place to vent...

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Okay, here it goes. I've been really fed up with my girlfriends lately. They're all in 'serious' relationships. Meaning they think they've found the guy that they're going to marry. I'm happy because they're happy, but on the otherhand, they're 19 years old and have never really dated anyone else before. How do they know for sure that this person is the one for them? I really think they need to test the waters further before making such a commitment. Anyways, on to the more nagging aspect of the story..

I get rather perturbed with them because they always seem to put their relationship with me on the back burner. I understand that they are trying to pursue a relationship that could potentially lead to something more serious, but they never can find time to spend with me anymore. As a matter of fact, one of my friends promised me 2 weeks in advance that she'd accompany me to a concert. Needless to say, she backed out the night before; and ultimately, I ended up not going because I couldn't find anyone else to go. To make matters worse, her excuse for backing out was so incredibly lame in the first place that I just kind of laughed it off. Well, the night that I was supposed to be going to this concert, I got online. Call, it weird, but everyonce in a while I like to look at people's away messages on AIM. I checked out my friend's away message, and to my surprise, what did I see? That she was out with her boyfriend and had completely lied to me the night before.

I'm totally spent with the way they choose to ruin their friendships. I might sound jealous, but I've had it. If they run all of their friends off, it's not my fault. They'll be sorry for it in the end.

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Even if I had a boyfriend, I would still make time for them. I understand what they're trying to do, but seriously. They always seem to make time to hang out with their other friends that have boyfriends. It's a couples only thing I guess. It all seems rather juvenile to me, but what do I care? They'll be the ones to end up 'friendless' if their relationships end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

believe it or not...it sounds like they do view you as a good friend...or at least someone to lean on. my guess is the reason she blew you off, was because she figures that you'll always be there. I'm guessing that if this relationship goes south...you're gonna be the first person she calls to cry on your shoulder. I'm not gonna give you any suggestions on what to do...since you're not looking for advice...I just figured I'd put another view out there...

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