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I hurt myself because I hate myself. I hate everything I do because I am a failure at all that I attempt, and no matter what I do, it will never be good enough for anyone.

I say the wrong thing at the wrong time- Cut.

I accidently hurt someone's feeligns- Cut.

I forget to do homework. I fail a test. I get yelled at.

I'm not good enough. For anyone. ever. so I cut away my pain because I've cried so much, I can barely do it anymore.

I am worthless and it hurts.


I do drugs to get out of my head for just a little bit.

When Susana Kaysen (author of the autobiography Girl, Interrupted) was asked why she tried to kill herself she said she just wanted the $#!T to stop. That's it for drugs for me. I want it to stop. If not just for a little.


I OD in hopes to die. Maybe.



Theres more. But I have homework to re-do so sorry that's all ive got for now.

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I can't tell you why because I don't know you or your past. Maybe it stems from past abuse or neglect, or maybe it has to do with your brain chemistry. Whatever it is, it sounds like you need professional help. I think there are mental health experts trained specifically in the area of self-harm. Please help yourself, don't hurt yourself.


You could start by talking to your family doctor, or to your parents if they are reasonable, or try something like this:


Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline


(24 hours, 7 days a week)

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Can anyone tell me why they self injure- cut, brand, scratch, burn, headbang, o.d., drugs, drinking, anything related to any of these things? I cant exactly put a finger on why exactly i do it, and I would like some advice.


1) it takes the focus off emotional pain, and lets you focus on the physical. it's a copeing mechanism.

2) it's a form of punishment. yes, some people feel the need to punish themselves. Why? lots of different reasons, depending on the person.

3) to make sure you're real. i used to dissasociate so badly that i had a hard time telling what was real and what wasn't. as long as i could bleed, and feel pain i could tell that at least part of what i was perceiving as reality was actually real..

4) suicide attempts. or how you work up to suicide.

5) avoiding suicide. sometimes hurting yourself can actually bleed off a little bit of the anguish you feel, makng suicide seem less like the only option left to you.

6) it's also a control thing for some people.

i know i've probably missed at least a dozen reasons that people would like to personally express. but all i can really say is that people do it for different reasons. there isn't really one answer. but you could check out some books on the subject. they're really actually very interesting. good luck, i hope i've been of some help!

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One reason I do it is to degrade myself. It's a worthy form of punishment that calms my regret and remorse, and appeases my conscience. Sometimes it makes me feel sick just watching the blood droplets form, and then the smell that blood produces when I dab it with a the wet end of a tissue... That vivid, gruesome smell is just so reassuring in its own way. It's disgusting, and that disgust matches the way I view myself, I guess. There are more reasons as to why I do it, but most of them have already been covered in the previous posts.

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i do it when i get angry, i was bullied by my step dad alot when i was little to the point i didnt want to come home from school and my mum used to just watch, so now we argue alot and it builds up. everything does.

i believe its built up tension and pain from the past or current events that we cant talk about or probably understand ourselfs. plus we have stress from everyday life.


funny enough i've never discussed this with anyone before, but this is why i do it ( i think).


everyones reason is different.

i hope this helps.

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i have OCD to ma point it has caused me to self mutilate. If i do too well i think i'm not worth it and cut, if i don't do good enough i amd a failure so i cut. i don't deserve to be happy and cutting is how i put myself back in my place

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