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I just can't believe how well everything is going!!!

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Hi there,

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years and i'm 19 and so is he. We broke up for a month or two but got back together which we both wanted. Now we are better than ever before. He is supportive, loving, we have good communication and he wants me to be happy.

Is it possible that this could last forever. I know i should take one day at a time but sometimes i scare myself because it just seems so surreal.

My parents and his parents both were together since they were young and got married in their early 20's and are still together and reasonably happy. They question what could have been but doesn't everyone??

I think we can make it together but my only concern is that we've only slept with each other

Will he sleep with other people because that's what guys feel they have to do??

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Not all guys feel they have to sleep with more than one girl - and some girls want to sleep with more than one guy.


Don't over-analyse or question too much - relax and enjoy the relationship. If you get to intense or worry about things that may or may not happen you will probably end up wrecking the relationship.

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