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My ex girlfriend and I broke up about 2 months ago... we were fighting a lot and we both decided to take a break. After about a month of a break where we still talked every couple days and wanted to work things, i tried to meet up with her to talk about it but she wasn't into that and didn't really seem like she was trying to work things out. Basically, i got tired of waiting and told her Im going to start dating and she flipped out and basically got all pissed off that i wasn't going to wait for her. Anyways, fast forward to now, whenever we talk it always turns into a fight, she is always mean and says things to try and hurt me, and i don't get why. She is the one who didn't want to work things out when i tried to so she has no reason to be mad. When she starts saying mean things to me, i sometimes say things right back at her. The reason why i continue to keep in touch with her is because I need to since she owes me money and every couple weeks i have to discuss it with her cause thats when she gets paid.


Anyways, I sent her an email the other day, just a good bye email to let her know that I don't hate her, and to wish her the best in everything. She replied... 'That was a really sweet email you wrote it made me cry.... but im sorry i can't write back cause i just can't find the words to say... they are there but i just can't bring them up. '


Not sure what that means... also a few days ago, she also asked if i wanted to have sex and I agreed since i'm a guy lol. It was around 7Pm when she asked, and around 11 i texted her asking whats goin on and she said she changed her mind that she has to work the next day early and she was tired... so i was naturally pissed, cause its like she was playin with me.


I'm not sure what her intentions are. I don't think she wants to get back with me since she clearly states many times she hates my guts, but yet she somehow manages to try and contact me to ask me for something or when we talk she has to be rude most of the time.

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My opinion, as hard as it is. Do the NC thing. Read my story and you'll see something. When things are going all wrong and you guys cant sort it out with talking then its best to let each other go. Easier said than done, trust me, I know but it has to be done. Dont waste your time on someone who cant give you the time or day.


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Good luck

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