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C0cky/funny, as well as being more than friends


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Okay, so there's a girl I've liked for a long time. She thinks I'm cute, however this school year she has a boyfriend. Last year I was new to the school and even though I liked her, we never talked. She's two years oler than me.


Well anyway, this year we have a class together so we're talking more often and becoming friends, well, we talk at least.


I don't want to be her friend, I want her to like me.


Last night she text messaged me saying "Hey Sexy"


I said what's up, she said she was just messing around and that she couldn't get to sleep because she had a lot on her mind. (keep in mind these are all text messages, we haven't talked on the phone before, which I plan to change as we get to talking more) , so I asked her what was wrong and she said she was having problems with her boyfriend, we talked about it, I showed some sympathy, that I cared, and so on.


So this morning I wake up and I have a message saying "thanks for listening to me"


It was at this point that I realized I was not going down the path that leads to my goal. We were just becoming friends.


So I texted her back asking if she was better, and if she had talked to him and whatnot, she said she was going to try to work things out. I said "keep me posted"


A while later she says she talked to him and things were better (I don't nessicarily hope that she breaks up with the guy, as I want to be happy. But I wish it was me. =/) Then, -totally- randomly, she said that she had a crush on me last year.


I was going to say something stupid and typical of my low self-esteem like "I knew, but I didn't believe it because you're so pretty."


But instead, I decided to say something a bit c0cky, I figured that was better.


So I said "Of course you had a crush on me. No one can resist the sexiness?


She took a while to respond then said "Sure can't. Guess it was the new kid appeal, lol."


Me, trying to keep up with the more c0cky type statements, replied with "Damn strait, but only halfway. I'm hella sexy even when I'm not the new kid. Honestly, I don't know how I do it!"


I think I'm doing the right thing here, changing the subject off her boyfriend so I'm not just some idiot showing sympathy. Pretty much, my question is, how can I get her more attracted to me, instead of just her wanting to be my friend?


Comments are definatly welcome..

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And you did this why? Since you dont want to be friends, let it be known man. Listening to a chick's guy problems will not get you the chick. Since you DONT care about her guy problems, LET HER KNOW! Either bluntly, or by switching subjects. DONT fake being her friend.






Not a bad move.


However, dont take the "c0cky and funny" thing too seriously. Unless your PERSONALITY is c0cky and funny, and unless you SAY it in a FUNNY way, you're going to sound retarded.


Ive heard of the c0cky and funny thing; it's good to use SOMETIMES.




Like I said man, if you don't want to be her friend, DONT FAKE IT! IT WILL NOT GET YOU IN HER PANTS, THE PLACE YOU WANT TO BE AT! You should have let your intentions be known sooner.


You get her attracted by NOT acting like you're her friend. Flirting, aloofness, talk to other girls, ect.

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I agree, somewhat.

But who's to say he only wants to "get in her pants". I've read some of your posts and you don't seem like that type of guy.


You do seem like a genuine, honest guy.. and so I say be nice, and respect her.. but if you want to distance yourself from this "image" you feel you're gaining.. then the best way to do this is to back off, and slowly decrease the frequency.


Maybe send her subtle signs that you like her, or at least have an interest. Compliment her, and flirt a little bit.

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