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Need some help with a shy girl.

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Hey everyone this is my first post, hope you guys can help.


I have been friends with a girl for about 2 years, I have always liked her as more than a friend but for whatever reason it has never materialised. We are now both leaving high school, and the dynamic of the relationship is changing. She rang me up and asked me out for coffee which, which seemed friendly enough since we are going to different colleges. When the time came , she picked me up and we drove into the countryside to some coffee shop in the hills, which was miles away from where we live.


When we went out though her behavior was different, she seemed very nervous yet playful and a bit flirty (lots of hair touching etc and constantly going to the "bathroom"), she was also talking a lot of gibberish which is uncommon since shes very articulate usually - although she is EXTREMELY shy.


When I dropped her off she had loads of things in her hands (rucksack etc) and said "she would hug me but my arms are full!".


Shes currently out the city on a family vacation, but will be back in a week or so. I want to make it clear I have feelings for her, but I have problems in the form of college, and most of all her shyness. I am worried I might scare her off if I just come out with it. And although I think she likes me in the same way I am worried about going out on a limb.


Anyone with any ideas?

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aww, well it sounds like a real fairy tale. I understand what u mean about her being shy...i recently dated a shy guy and it was very difficult at the beginning. See the thing with shy ppl, is that...well, theyre just TOO shy to make the first move, and from what ur telling me about this girl, it sounds like she likes u! and just doesnt EXACTLY know how to express it, so i suggest u make some moves, VERY SLOWLY to see if her feelings are the same as yours...i say start off calling her, and just "checking up" on her, to see how shes doing (since she is outta town) but when she comes back DEFINATLEY invite her out and try to hold her hand, see how she reacts, if she doesnt let go, then she feels something, if she lets go start slower: when your talking or laughing or telling her something reach over and touch her shoulder, things like that see how she reacts...i wish u all the luck! bye!

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