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I posted waaay back in October 2004 after my boyfriend of almost one year dumped me in a most cruel way; over the phone. He was cold about it, hard...told me to get over it. That was on 16 September 2004, I thought "yup this is it, I'm done...nobody will ever feel feelings for me ever- I'm defective." Barely 3 months later I met a guy, the guy gave me this nervous feeling like I knew if I got to know him, things would happen. You could read about him too somewhere on this forum...I don't know how to post links to the topics. I was resigned to dying an old maid, loney and sad...terrified of getting hurt. I wanted this stranger to go away, please don't love me, PLEASE.


But dang those outside forces beyond my control I talked to the guy...and things happened, pardon the word but magic happened. Tomorrow (or today, whenever you're reading this) it will be one year since that ex plunged me into a fog that lasted me until well into January. I remember very little about September through December 2004...random things here and there; a chance meeting at a game night. 26 September will be 6 months since this amazing guy I am dating asked me to be his girlfriend.


You might be saying right now; "geesh, what's she yapping about- this is for people who are really down and hurting!" No, I'm not rubbing this in your face- not trying to anyway...but I guess this would be one of those "there's a light at the end of the tunnel" speeches. Take a look at your ex right now...if it's been awhile I mean. Look at their nature, who are they? Did you really love them? I thought I really loved my ex, but in honesty I know I really love my boyfriend and compaired to that love, the "love" I felt for my ex was in fact delusion. I tried to convince myself that I loved him: I wasn't attracted to him, we had nothing in common, and truthfully, in talking to the man now: he's arrogant, he's cynical, he's full of himself...he was/is a mamma's boy, he had no creativity in him and he scorned the creativity in me as "childish" and "a waste of time". He did not respect me and when he saw that I wasn't going to become the cultured intellectual scholar PhD he wanted me to be- that I was going to continue to be a nursing student/preschool teacher/artist...he gave up.


This has been so long winded I know...but for what it's worth I just wanted to confirm once more that life goes on, and it all gets better if you let it. Sometimes there's a science and art to letting go, and when you do that you've got yourself 50% of the way there.

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I vividly remember your whole story Strandy's mommy!! Any gosh, Im so glad things have worked out with the new guy!! (we knew it would).


It's great to hear the "happy endings" every now and again, all the heartache and teardrops can get a bit heavy on the heart after awhile, and hearing the success story's is really encouraging!


I wish you all the love and happiness you deserve for the future!



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