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I know I've posted a lot, but please, please please help me.

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I really do need help from you guys, please. I know I've posted a lot lately but I really do need advice.


I confronted my girlfriend about a weird feeling I was having (I cannot even describe it), and the boredom in our relationship.


We had a talk about our relationship, and she went on to explain how she is SO totally in love with me. And I wanted to reciprocate, but I couldn't. I love her, she's REAL, she's the perfect girlfriend.


Lately I have had a feeling of numbness towards her? I don't even know why. I had this with my last girlfriend too, at around the same time in the relationship.


The feeling is REALLY, REALLY hard to describe. It's like a realization that the relationship is moving the the point where it's not 'sparks', but is now real world relationship. One where I know she is there, and I know I can count on her and trust her. But it is like my mind is confusing the transition for a falling out of love with her, when I think it's just that evolving fairy-tale love into, like I said before, real world love.


With that said, I still cannot brush the weird feeling. It could be the boredom, everything we are doing now is routine because of school and lack of money/freedom and such.


She is so madly in love with me and is still in fairy-tale mode, maybe?


I still adore hugging her and having her close to me, it's just things are different. I really need some opinion sfrom you guys as I am so lost.


I also have a problem with over-thinking things, which is what I am doing here, I think.


Please help me, the best you can.

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she's the perfect girlfriend.
You have solved your own problem lol. You shouldn't find a gf that is perfect, I mean she's got to have a lot or at least some what (more than 2 or 3 things) different than you. But I'm not saying don't pick someone you hardly have anything in common with just yeah I think you get it .



It's alright if your over-thinking things, under this subject I'm pretty sure everyone does.



Yeah, I totally get what your talking about, well if you feel this way, think about it first of course and then when you make your decision break up with her or not. I'd choose break up because, a relationship is pretty much worthless without that "spark".

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Friend, emotions like this are the most impossible thing to understand or control in this world. Why does someone who's been married for 20+ years all of a sudden wake up one day and realize that they don't feel "that way" for their partner anymore? No one will ever be able to answer this question, it's just the way it is.


But sometimes this confusion is what bring couples together and true love ensues. It's an unpredictable process.


You might stay with her and get over your confusion. You might break up and decide it was a mistake and successfully get back together. You might make a mistake and not get her back --sometimes called "the one that got away". Or you might walk away and find the one for you a few years and a few gf's from now. So many choices, which one to choose? It's your decision in the end.

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Could it be a matter of comfort, that you feel very comfortable around her but maybe you've become more friends. Try taking a vacation without her and see how you feel then.


Or if your bored of the routine that can become normal when your with someone for a long time. Try changing things around do something spontaneous.


You obviously care for her very much and you may be just over thinking things too but if you have a feeling, chances are there could be something there I always believe in trusting your gut. She may not be the one for you or maybe your bored not with the relationship but maybe with your own lifestyle.

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Could it be a matter of comfort, that you feel very comfortable around her but maybe you've become more friends. Try taking a vacation without her and see how you feel then.


Or if your bored of the routine that can become normal when your with someone for a long time. Try changing things around do something spontaneous.


You obviously care for her very much and you may be just over thinking things too but if you have a feeling, chances are there could be something there I always believe in trusting your gut. She may not be the one for you or maybe your bored not with the relationship but maybe with your own lifestyle.


It could actually be exactly that.


I like the vacation idea, but I'm 16 and in school. Not much room for a vacation there, and I talked about the break thing with her and that just blew up and went horribly wrong.


Not knowing what this feeling is, is KILLING me.

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Well since you are only 16 chances are she may not be the one for you and you need to get out and experience life a little bit more before you decide to settle down. But you don't need to take a vacation, do you have family out of town that you are close to that you could visit on the weekend.


She is young too and she may not understand what your going through because you may be her whole life. How much time do you spend together if it is every minute then what you really need is space and time away from each other.


Using the word taking a break is not a good word to us ever when it comes to girls it scares them to think you won't come back. Maybe your just not ready for a serious relationship with this girl and that you guys should just try being friends. If she is that perfect then when you graduate and she is still there as you friend your feelings might change for her. Plus it wouldn't really hurt her either for you guys to take a break from each other because she probably needs some time to herself also.


I hope this helps you a little bit.

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