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The way he looks at me

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Hey guys


I would really appreciate any insight or advice! When I started my grad school, I also started dating a guy from my school. Interestingly, he was also my neighbor and we would eventually share a lot of the same group of friends. We dated for about 7 months. We had a close relationship. regardless though, whenever we would get in fight I would at times say that "we weren't right for each other"...and I said that two three times...(and yes I know i was wrong). The last time I said it he said "you are right we should break up". I called him the next day and apologized and said that I wanted to give it another try...despite all this, he said that he thought we should break up.


So anyway, all of that was back in May. We have been seeing each other of course since we go out to the same places (we live in a small town) and the fact that he is my neighbor. Our relationship is odd of course to say the least. However, lately, I have caught him on at least 5 occasions giving me the same look that he gave me last year when we started dating and i knew he liked me (even though he showed me no emotion) just by his special look. I guess you will only understand if you have had this type of exchange with someone. He never says anything but its just the way he looks at me. He kept his glance for a long time...sort of an elongated glance with a smile at the end. And I recall at one point I caught him looking at me. Basically, he looks at me very different from other people all the time but he really doesn't do much otherwise to establish a direct contact. He is always receptive and when I initiate something (which is very few times) he is always nice and willing. However, he is also a big macho guy and more so than other guys, he never wants to show weakness. I dont know what to make of them because everytime i look at his eyes and every time we give each other the "stare", I start longing for him even more!?

what does it mean when a guy gives you that look and what do I make of this? I really really appreciate any feedback.

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