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Hormones mess with your mind!! (rant)

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I hide my my real feelings away from everyone. I don't like telling people how i feel.


I feel stupid just writing on here I feel weird ...


my heart is breaking a little each day and I just don't want to live anymore ... I just want to hide away and die. I feel sooo helpless and im hurting all the time.


sometimes I want to cry and my body wont let me


Dont worry your one of those people just like me laura and dead eyes to im exactly like u im crazy around my friends and mess around have fun dude but im mute around other people but its not that im serious im more shy.Which can be serious iono.But ya i too never vent one thing too my friends and felt a little weird posting here at first but got used to it.Dont worry laura there are many people like u.We are all just the really closed people that dont let anything out and hide our feelings like u said.

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its just sometimes ... I lash out at my mates, I get angry easily, I'm fed up! Nothing has happened to make me feel fed up .... I just am.


I get jealous when I see couples and feel completely lonesome.


I just want to die but I don't want to die not knowing what love is.


It sounds so frakish in my head. I just want hide away from the world all the time. I can't talk to people not even my best friends because they will never undertsand what I mean, and I don't need them knowing how weird I am.


I'm messed up. I often have suicidal thoughts, I feel so ugly, I get stressed out easily at school or college now and I always expect things to go bad when I'm having a good time in my life. I often have a great week and then something spoils it, it's the story of my life ...



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You sound so much like me it's scary. Im exactly the same, whenever something good is happening I expect something to ruin it, I get jealous seeing other couples together and feel like I'll never get that, get stressed out, make mountains out of molehills at times and some days just dont want to exist.


I'm slowly (very slowly) managing to work out how deal with these things...I keep myself busy, try to force myself to think of good things, and remind myself of things that make me fee hopeful. It's hard and slow but it works.


Also don't feel like a freak or anything, I think everyone goes through this to some degree...you are far from alone, and having a good friend you can confide in always helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am starting to feel a little more happier, but I'm no where near completely happy.


I have a personal tutor now (a tutor who you talk to in absolute confidence) and well he's new. I don't trust him enough to tell him things that deeply trouble me. I want my old personal tutors back but I can't because they have nothing to do with 6th form college.


He will talk to me about grades, college, course work and anything that troubles me. I don't know what to say??? I can't tell him anything because I can't trust him. I need someone who knows me well enough to be a personal tutor.


I'm not sure what to do ...

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For me it seems like I can never find the right one. Either I get to a point where she's not interested in a relationship, she's taken, or just not exactly feeling me as a boyfriend. I am really new at attracting and talking to girls, though I am in college. It does not flow naturally from me, I have to force it in many situations.

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