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last minute advice.... its sortof an emergency

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I'm leaving to go to a friends house in about an hour. so plese reply quickly. i'll keep this brief. for 3 weeks he has been saying he could go out of town with me this weekend, and me and the family had plans to do so. he called friday night and said he coudlnt, but we could do something together over the weekend. said we would do something friday, but canceleed and made me and my parents all suffer. said we'd do something saturday, he cancelled again. and we had plans to take him somewhere today, and he called 10 minutes before time to go, and he decided to go with this girl instead, and left us stuck here again. im going to his house in an hour, im ont supposed to be there for 3 hours, but im getting there early to talk to his mom. should i talk to her about this? He lied to 2 his mom last weekend (i posted something about this) and said he was goign to the movies, but he went joyriding with 2 girls while they was drunk, and were doing things that could get them into serious trouble. he lied to his mom and said she was 15 and was going with her, and her mom. she is really 18, and the other girl was 19. he is doing the same thing again tonight. i have had many adults at school ask me about him, they have heard lots of rumors such as the girl being pregnant. and the man who works at the bowling alley saw them out that night and told my dad. She was going to check him out of school last friday (3 days ago) right after it started so they could go back to her house where they would be alone and she was going to take him home that night. and his mom would never have known, he told her hee was going to go to the football game, luckily he couldnt do anything. they are out right now joyriding around doing those sorts of thigns again. i think his mom needs to know. He turned 15 about 5 days ago. and she is turning 19 and the other girl 20 next month. she has slept with over 20 different guys.

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I think you deeply care for your friend, and can see easily you want to help him. But just be prepared for the consequences that will come of this if you go and tell his mom all about what he's been doing recently. It is the right thing to do to be looking out for your friend, but there's a very good chance he won't see it that way when he finds out what you've told his mom. In the end, it may be a good thing what you're doing morally....but I would be prepared to possibly lose this friendship for a while until he understands why you did what you're about to do....if he ever understands. It's your choice...just...good luck with what you choose.

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