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is this "hang over" normal?

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hi, well the first time i got drunk was when i was 14 and ever since then, the day after i get drunk i still FEEL like im buzzed...like dizzy and its hard for me to concentrate...it usually lasts about a week, is this normal? can i get rid of it? and recently its lasted forever...like i dont recall being in my exact normal state for at least a month...im quite normal and eveyrthing, but there r times when if i really want to focus on something, and its hard and i cant do it...please help.

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I don't think that a "hangover" for a week is normal. For most people who have too much to drink, they feel pretty bad the next day, but after that, they're back to normal.


Honestly, I would talk to your doctor. One thing is that you could be anemic (have low blood iron) as many teenage girls do. Take multivitamins. But, talk to your doctor and have him or her draw your blood.


Your doctor isn't supposed to tell your parents. Don't worry - they're bound to confidentiality.


In the meantime, stop drinking! Your body isn't reacting well to it. It's telling you to not drink. Go find out what's going on.


Good luck

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Yeah, that's why I think it may be something else. Really though, stop drinking until you figure out what it is.


I had low blood iron as a teenager. I was really tired and weak and pale and had a hard time concentrating. Could be that.... it's pretty common.


please talk to your doctor!

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Are you on any sort of anti-depressants, or drugs like Ritalin and Accutane? If you are, mixing them with alcohol might be the reason you are getting all of the side-effects you described...


I suggest drinking less and learning when to stop. Hangovers are the best deterrent for me (didn't have a single one until I was 19 though) to not get drunk, ever.

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