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I am an emotional eater and usually when bad things or sad things happen (ie being dumped/rejected by a guy), I go to the grocery store and buy junk food like Ice Cream or cake and drown my sorrows and lonliness in crap that ends up making me worse after I'm done eating.


I try really hard to lose weight, I keep a food journal and usually eat really REALLY well, but then just like that I use food to comfort my emotions and ruin my entire day and get depressed.


Why do I get so depressed and how can I stop before I really hurt myself?

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when i lost 50 KG's a few years back, i was the same eating when i was down. I just did something different when i was down and forced myself to do it, i usually go for a walk the hardest part was getting mentally motivated to do it but once i had that it was alot easier.

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Try to channel all that emotional activity into something productive - going for a walk or exercising, if that's your type of thing, or if you're someone creative, write a poem or write a song. Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you and who you know you won't binge around. Occupy yourself so you don't have the time to think about food.


It's great that you're sticking to your plan so well!!! Don't let one day, one slip, get you down! You should be proud of yourself! Instead of regretting or feeling bad for what you've done, make a list of things you could have done to prevent it. Feeling negative just makes you feel resentment and shame - bad, bad things. Try to make something (forgive the term) "bad" into something positive!


After a while, everything will flow naturally. For now, just try distancing yourself from food when you're feeling down and surround yourself with people when you think you're going to resort to food for comfort. Most importantly, try visualizing how you want to look, and balance the short term comforts (ice cream) with the long term benefits of avoiding those foods (weight loss). When you turn a goal into something more than words, into something that you can actual feel (inspiration), then you're more likely to stick with your plan and sacrifice immediate goods for the long term effort.

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Food is not medicine lol. Umm, just control your urges to eat when something sad happens. Eat something healthy (like a Slim-Fast bar) when something sad happens at first, and if you can try NOT to eat when something sad happens that would help you not gain a lot of weight. And exercise 2-3 times a week that'll help you lose weight you need at least 30 minutes of exercise. Don't go inside after your done and get some soda, or go get fast food, or eat candy that DOESN'T help at all. Drink water, it purifies the body.

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im sorry that you are having this problem. i hope that you can find a way past it. the one thing i can say to encourage you, is that when i guy dumps you, its usually because he is not good enough for you. i hope you find comfort in your most painful days.


-Travis Lewis

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