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HELP ME!!!!!!!!...i need help and fast!

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Hey everyone,

Okay...so i really like this guy and i have no clue if he likes me, but we are really good friends!! I want to start to flirt with him and send him the message that i am interested, and i also want to see if he is interested in me. So this is what i need!

If you are a guy- Please tell me what you like to hear from girls, that turns you on.

If you are a girl- I need flirting tips!

Thanks so much,


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jut talk to him.make jokes but dont be shy or jittery about it. be yourself and have confidence. its works for me. i just make a flirty comment here and there. Just flirt verbally, u dont want to make urself too obvious. words never hurt anyone. make ur comments into a lil joke and laugh after u make those bold comments. just trying to help. hard to explain in words, but it works for me all the time.

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You have to be comfortable around a person. If you are the flirting comes a bit easier. Just remember friendship is a good way to start a relationship. You can build from there. I am in a similar situation and i have realized that you have to have confidence in your self and accept who you are and things will come naturally. Just remember if you dont take a chance you will be sitting back later wondering.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is what I would like to hear and see lol maybe I went a little too far but see if any of these help.


These are the things that I look for in a girl to see if she is might have an intrest in me.


1) Always smiling at me

2) Always paying close attention to what I do.

3) Talking to me every chance that she gets.

4) Asking me to help her.

5) Rubbing up on me or touching me more then usual.

6) A lot of eye contact.

7) Looking at me from a distance when Im not paying attention.

8) Annoying me by either calling me names for example maybe makeing fun of my name. Example my name is Tom. To get my attention the girl would call me Tommy boy and such name's as that.

9) Always trying to sit next to me whenever she gets a chance.

10) Asking many question about what I like and how I am.


Anyways these are the things that at least I look for.

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a good thing to do is the "poke" game...

say something like "PROD" and prod them on the arm or something and run off before they can get you back. so this every now and again.

gets them used 2 physical contact with you and can be quite entertaining watching their futile attempts to get revenge.


or they just kick you... then the jokes on them really

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