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the same things always happen.

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what is up with this? Every time i get close to a friend, they start getting jelous of me, and the will compete with me and make me jelous of them, or they will start doing crap to me and everything goes down from hill. i keep going through the same thing and keep getting used! I feel like there's nothing left, ive gone through all the people at my school to be friends with. there are only 500 people... i wanna change schools but im just so depressed about everything.

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they get jelous because they think im spoiled and dont have much responsibility. they think i get everything i want, and everyone likes me.


see, like right now i have a friend moving out of town, and i wanted to go too cuz we're bros. but he told me that his mom would move him back if i went. i talked to her and she said she didnt hate me or have anything against me or anything. so her not liking me isnt the problem i dont believe.


so i asked my friend "if it wasnt up to your mom, would you want me to go?" and he kept saying "but it is up to my mom" , he never would answer the question.


im not sure why he wont just answer the questoin that i asked him.

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Are you trying to make friends with the popular people? I hate popular people, most of the time there back-stabbing 2 faced stoners and/or drunks, well at least for the guy portion of it.


If it's anything below popular people hmm, that's kinda weird. Maybe your choosing like the wrong group. What would you stereotype yourself as?



im not sure why he wont just answer the questoin that i asked him.


He wouldn't answer because he actually doesn't like you very much, but doesn't have the balls to tell you like it is because of ruining the long friendship that you guys share. Sorry but it sounds a hell of a lot like the truth. My ex-best friend once told me that he isn't mean to losers like that and doesn't tell them that he doesn't like them. Instead he hangs out with them and uses them for things anyway . What an ***.


I think your friend might be swept up in the same snobby **** that my ex-best friend was swept up into. I really hate High school its so ****** up and corruptive.


Typical behavior of these people is to like make fun of you when there around there other friends, to act like they don't know you, you want to hang out with them (call them by phone) and then they make up an excuse, etc and if you ask them if they can hang out they say yeah then forget about it and never bring it up...what usually happens is they don't hang out with you but instead hang out with there other screwed up loser friends.

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Typical behavior of these people is to like make fun of you when there around there other friends, to act like they don't know you, you want to hang out with them (call them by phone) and then they make up an excuse, etc and if you ask them if they can hang out they say yeah then forget about it and never bring it up...what usually happens is they don't hang out with you but instead hang out with there other screwed up loser friends.


sounds just like the way he used to be... but since im his only friend now, its different. id say hed be the same way again if he had more friends.

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