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Hi, I post the other day about my friend Greg and I was thinkiing about going to his camper and meeting his one brother and sister n law this weekend. Well He did told me that we might not be able to go if he doesn't get a day off bc he wanted to go to make sure everything is ok for me.


Well I called him last night to see whats going on bc its was Wednesday and it takes us females pack long time but sure we have everything But he said that he doesn't know now bc his sister doesn't know where she put the camper keys (Greg and his sister does share the camper and brought it half and half) He said that he was trying to get hold of his one brother bc he brought it from him and hopes that he has x-tra key if not we arent going. Do u think he was lying to me? It said like he wasn't but i don;t know we only talk for about like 15 mins he is like can i call you back tomorrow going to try to call Dennis...Could he had call me back? I am soo worry about tihis bc I do really like him? Anything will help me know



Sorry about the Grammer

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hello, I don't know whether you have been reading any of my stuff but something I have learnt recently is to trust people. Trust him that when he says he can't find the keys that its the truth, unless your gut instinct truly is telling you otherwise.


If you are meant to get it on you will, and a weekend away will not be a problem because you will find another way.


If you don't trust him now on this how would you feel when you get it together and don't trust him then?..


Take care and just be happy

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Thanks for you two cents...i have to agree. I do believe him i think i just want to go really bad with him. So i think he would make up some lame excuse. But lets see if he calls tonight if he doesn't call by what 9... do u think i should call or just say we aren't going??

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