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I am still getting familiar with the "do's and dont's" of NC.

When you do NC, is it wise to TELL the other person you are doing it, and why? Or is it more effective to just do it?

What have been the best strategies that have worked for you who have done it and stuck to it?


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Just do it. Nothing else.


But you should never expect it to bring someone back. They might come back, but don't expect it. When you are ready to control your emotions, and be aloof, then think about making contact, if you want to get them back.

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Thanks Beec.


I am trying to "heal" and move on from someone I love very much. It's very hard. It's like every minute I have to distract myself from NOT thinking about him and it is draining. The hardest part is KNOWING he is not nearly as affected about this as I am....at least not outwardly.

I would rather move on ...than be with someone that feels that indifferently towards me. It's too hurtful.


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