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Concerned about my friend and his gf

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to get some advice from others on this cuz im really concerned about it. Well...my best friend Kyle got back together with his ex-gf from 9th grade. At that time they were together for about 9 months and broke up because of things with school. Now they are both graduated and have been together for about 3 months now. What worries me is that he has told me that in exactly 1 year of being with her he wants to propose to her. He is serious about it too, hes saving up money now to buy the engagment ring....


To make the matters more difficult my other friend Steve, who we are both friends with told me about what Kyle's gf said to him. She told him that she had liked Steve all throughout high school. Kyle is aware of this and doesnt mind the fact of it. But what he doesnt know is that his gf still likes Steve but she doesnt want to breakup with Kyle. Im just worried that since my friend is so serious about his gf that he should now that she is showing mixed feelings. Steve made me promise not to say anything to him about it cuz he know he will go nuts. I dont know what to do......I dont want to see my friend possibly get heartbroken in the future.

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This is a dilemma....to not break a friend's heart and let him hope that the wedding will happen...or to break it immediately and tell him his girlfriend is unsure of feelings. As much as the second option seems like the worst, it is the best. That way, if he proposes to her later, and she says no, than that could be worse. It would be better to deal with less emotional pain that later on. But it's your call. Good luck.

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But what he doesnt know is that his gf still likes Steve but she doesnt want to breakup with Kyle. Im just worried that since my friend is so serious about his gf that he should now that she is showing mixed feelings. Steve made me promise not to say anything to him about it cuz he know he will go nuts. I dont know what to do......I dont want to see my friend possibly get heartbroken in the future.


What is this? Are you willing to let this happen? Your friend Kyle is going to be devastated.


I would not stand for something like this. I would take kyle, and tell him everything. Tell him to dump that chick. What's the use of dating someone who has feelings for someone else, especially a close friend? It will piss off both of your friends, but it's for the best.

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